Saturday, March 31, 2007 @3:00 PM
Haha, you know this is quite funny to me, on wednesday night i was having my supper, i always had a habit of eating porriagde with dark soy sauce so i mix it finish then my mum was talking to me then suddenly she take a table cloth and wipe my leg! (actually that was my BLUE-BLACK and the size is about 5 cents coin like that!)
Then i look at her and say,
Me: eh, what you doing?
Mum: huh?
Me: (in some dialect) Li kor is orh ceh, hm si orh tao you!!! Which means, this is my blue-black not dark soy sauce~!
BOTH OF US KEEP LAUGHING AND LAUGHING! hahaha. when she stops i also havent finish laughing!. FUNNY HOR!!! you never laugh, i laugh myself! HAHAHAHAHAHAH.
There's another funny thing i wanna post but i FORGOT LAH. HAIYO.
I have been rotting at home until GONG GONG!
No work, no income, no fun which means no money nothing can be done.
School is starting soon! Sian have to make new friends, i hope i will be in the same class as my friends who too accounting, anyway they also wish so! lols . Dont know when can check my results online leh. anyway i wanna take japanese when school reopens. hais, i must wake up for school everyday ah! i must i must! but i am sure i sure will pontang school! hahah.
That's about it.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007 @3:48 PM
23-24 March.Went swimming with winnie, jasmine and xinyuan at winnie's house.
Played SOME LAME GAMES! Then so sway to partner with xinyuan cause will lose! hahaha then we have to do forfeit by carrying the winner on our back for 10 seconds~ some is do push-up and sit-up in the water. haha then after that we wear our t-shirt and walk back to winnie another house! we never bathe cause we going back to her another house to bathe! haha so funny, we are sooooo WET! Somemore my hair is DAMN MESSY! lols, nevermind lah used to it already.
After bathing, we went to eat at ASTON'S, we must Q up for quite long , the food is quite tasty and its cheap lah, like those western you always eat at hawker. yup, then we went to cold storage cause winnie want to buy the dont know what for baking lah, then she asked me to stay over at her house so tomorrow we can bake together with her mum.
So in the end i stayed at her house lor, the next day she woke up so early! and say her mum asked her to accompany her to buy things so she ask me whether i wanna tag along or continue sleeping, of course i say CONTINUE SLEEPING! so tired leh, then i slept for another 2 hours and she came back. I had a nightmare lah, quite scary but she came back so i wake up! HENG AH! So i bathe all that and went down to help abit with the baking, her mum do the banana muffins and durian puff! WAH so nice! lols. I played the computer for a while and its already 6+pm so i went home. Went home so hungry and tired, after eating i watched the tv half way i fall asleep with the tv on, no one is at home! if i am not wrong i slept at 9 till the next day 12+ noon, haha PIG !
27 March.Went back to ITE bishan with sok kuan to pay school fees for our higher nitec and accompany her to buy uniform. Saw tingyi friend, Qiuyi asked her what course she is taking, same as me!
Accounting, haha so can see her again when school starts. After trying the uniform we went to the canteen to get a drink! AIYO, only dont know how many days school closed, the chairs and tables areeee SOO DIRTTY.! Cant blame lah, the chairs and tables dont have our BUTTS to help them polish! hahaha. So after that both of us are so lazy to walk back to bishan, anyway there is nothing to eat or shop there so i suggest that we should go Changi Airport since there is a straight bus there from the school bus stop. Reached there and WE WANTED TO EAT QIU LIAN BAN MIAN butttttttt so sway, closed down for UPGRADING! HAIYO! then nevermind lor we went to eat POPEYES, YUM YUM! After that went cold storage to buy some things then she went to meet her friends at hawker centre while i went home.
Sunday, March 18, 2007 @10:28 PM
Felt so emotional just now when i watch The Ren Ci Charity Show.
The short clips of how the patients live and how they felt really make us feel so lucky, to have a healthy body and family members around us. It does't matter whether if you are poor now if you have a healthy body. Money can be earn and life still goes on. The MingYi Fa Shi is so noble, he does all those things for the patients because he knows that the patients need him. The world is practical, everyone knows that. No money there's nothing will be done. While watching the show, i felt so touched, sad and angry at the same time because the number of calls is really jumping very slow and the calls are little compared to the previous few years.
WHY? WHY DO I FELT ANGRY? The stars tried their very best to convince people to call because the number of calls are really jumping so slow and yet they cant do anything but to keep convincing us to call the hotline. Many people may have to mind set of the charity show is cheating money because of the NKF. Yes, i am angry towards the NKF that "MAN", using the people's hard-earned money and use for his own uses which is i dont know where the money goes lah cause i don't read the papers. He made people lost their confidence and change people mind-set. SO ANGRYYYY LAHHH!! WAH LAO EH.
If i am given three wishes to be granted, i wish:
- To be rich so i can help the ones that needed help.
- To be SOO smart so i can help them by becoming a doctor, lawyer and to read the people's mind.
- To let everyone to have a healthy body and world peace of course ( im not trying to act okay!?)
So let me ask you, what if you were given 3 wishes to be granted and what are they?
Monday, March 12, 2007 @11:51 PM
Haha, why sing this song?
Cause yesterday i was on my way to meet sokkuan at chinatown, then at little india there is 4 ANG-MOHS board the train then only 3 of them get to sit down. Anyway i was standing up lah, then the only ang-moh that never sit down is back facing me. So i just continue to listen to my songs. THEN when the next stop there are quite alot of people get down the train, so he went to sit beside his friend. GUESS WHAT? YOU GUESS LAH...
When i looked at him,
HE LOOKED LIKE SHREK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I cant stand it! i wanted to laugh but i cant, so i hold back and try not to look at him.
Actually i wanted to take a picture of him, but when my phone is taking a picture it will "CHEEEE-KIIIII!" LOLS. So i never lor, somemore i am ALONE! lols. And its very obvious if i am taking him. lols. hais, abit wasted right? actually wanted to share with you guys the pic, TOO BAD LAHH. I think i am quite rude hor to laugh at him. haha but funny leh. anyway shrek is sooo cute in the cartoon, haha maybe next time someone need a human shrek, they should try to find him and paint his face GREEN. hahaha.
Anyway, went to bugis to have seoul garden with sharon and geokfong.
While we were eating, theres a ang-moh and a japanese guy in their middle age i think? sitting beside our table. They came and sit for QUITE LONG thinking that they will be served with food. lols. but soon the ang-moh said to his jap friend that maybe they should help themselves. lols. So they went to take the plates at one of the station which is very SMALL lols. And went to take their food, so me and sharon was like: should we tell them where to take the plates? then sharon suddenly tell them: EXCUSE ME?!you can take the plates at the _______. Then the ang-moh reply: DID WE TAKE THE WRONG PLATES? then me and sharon LAUGHH. lols. So after we taken our food, we went back to our seats and guess what? The ang-moh put the yong tau foo THE TOFU TO BARBERQUE! LMAO!! i keep laughing! its really very funny, not only that he also took the SZE CHUAN VEG TO BBQ, PLAIN RICE TO BBQ. GOODNESS damn funny! lols. He knew both of us are laughing at both of them then suddenly when sharon looked at them he asked her: Is there anythin wrong with the soup? cause he put some weird things into it, and i replied to him its weird. lols. then he asked sharon if she wants some? haha. we laughhh again. lols. There so many times we keep looking at their food, then one time the ang-moh say to his jap friend that he think sharon likes him(jap guy) lols then we laugh and laugh!
There is one time i dont know what happen lah, but i told sharon maybe he is talking something bad about us in japanese. then i told sharon NEVERMIND we also can talk bad about them in chinese! lols. hahah then i also asked sharon, what if they know chinesE? lols.
Aiya not funny is it? nevermind cause this kind of thing must be there and see ad you will know. okay lah! tomorrow i will post my classmates pictures! lotsa it. :)
Saturday, March 10, 2007 @9:12 PM

Can you imagine xinyuan saying to wendy
:"WENDY! dont make my hair lahhh!!" LOLS!
3..2..1..! CLICK! CLICK! CLICK. CLICK! The birthday girls~ :)
Come come come, help us take photo! Say cheese! CHEESE..
Smile! EEEE YER!!!! Why got ghost head? LOLS.
Winnie and langping, trying to act like ZHAO CAI MAO? LOLS.

Cannot make it! too funny!

TAKE 2.. FINALLY.! ( its fake one lah. lols.)
After that, all of us went back home.
Cause some have school and work tomorrow.
Had alot of fun that day.
Anyway, wendy if you are reading this, just wanna say sorry to you. I know you are angry with me on that day. DONT ANGRY KAY! heehee.
Okay, i am finding now skin for my blog. All those skin that i like is always so small in the screen!! i want big one! alright, i shall wait for sok kuan to send me some new pic from her hp then i will upload again.
I lazy to type lah, thats why i post all the photos up, and let the photos do the talking.
Shall stop here. I havent study for my exams on this coming wednesday and thursday! HAIYO..
Tuesday, March 06, 2007 @1:59 PM
Yes, i'm lazy to blog.
But i force myself to do so.
Today is winnie's 20th birthday so,
Will be going out to celebrate with them tomorrow at fishing boat. yup.
My final exams are coming, next thursday and friday then graduate liao!
Last friday went to 85 market to have dinner with winnie, we talk alot man.
While eating we saw kelly, haha then chat a little then she went off.
Ya, after eating we went to 7-eleven, then that winnie is mad one lor!
So funny lah, then both of us mad already, we keep singing then somemore do action! lols.
Then we record ourselves doing all this in bus 14! And we laugh damn loud! MADNESS BUT FUN!
Went to work on saturday, it was so boring cause its buffet.
After that function have to clear up the buffet line, then we clear all the food but i keep taking care of the KUEH-LAPIS ! Cause i wanna eat what! So hungry can? Then went to kitchen and eat with yizhi and some people also eat lah. erm, NOT NICE AT ALL! Yucks. so different from the ones i eat. lols. Cause its soooo DRY! lols.
After work, we all decided to go have dinner together at parkway.
So waited for some of them to finish work cause me, yizhi, diah and martin finish work 45 minutes earlier. So went to parkway but it was raining! Then ken say how? raining leh, how to go over? unless the best we go roxy canteen eat steamboat! then i say WAH LAO EH, YOU SIAO AH! lols. Then in the end we walk over the shelter brigde. lols.
But still we have to run under the rain right to parkway. So when they say eh can cross liao green man! then i CHIONG AHHHHHHH. LOLS. so fun! lols then later yizhi say to me, wah you run very fast leh! you run already i still there leh! lols hahaha.
So we went banquet to have our dinner.
After that me, yizhi, diah,martin and raiyan decided to walk around parkway while the rest went home and SLEEP. lols.
So one funny thing happened at harvey norman.
Raiyan went to like catch some mist from one thing that they sell, i dont know what is that called lah. then he open up his hands but the mist is not there then he went back there and try to get again then i keep asking him, YOU KNOW WHAT IS THAT ANOT? then i went near that thing and feel the mist then i EH NOT STEAM AH? lols. so sia sway! then he and yizhi keep laughing at me and repeat what i say! lols. cause i thought is those steam that some woman use it for their face dont know for what. lols. wahha so funny, then we keep laughing lor. Then the 5 of us are like idiots in the harvey norman. lols raiyan is one of the funny ones. lols. Say that if the juice maker dont have the container ah then you just put your mouth there and drink. lols hahah so funny.
Then diah and martin went back first then 3 of us went to have ice cream and headed home.
oh, on that saturday was Fendi last day. Quite sad lah, the way he say byebye.
Haha my primary 1 and 3 photo, so funny and ugly. lols.

Friday, March 02, 2007 @2:46 PM
Today after SW, we have a class bonding thing.
We have to share what we have experience/thoughts with our classmates.
Everyone have to share lah.
Hmm, after hearing some of the thoughts, i felt quite sad cause all of us are going separate ways.
Not all is going to higher nitec.
I guess i am going to miss all of them.