Wednesday, January 31, 2007 @5:23 PM
My whole body is so itchy after reading the email about the breast and bra.
And i only saw ONE picture of it, and then my whole body itchy until like cannot stop.
YUCKSSSSS. luckily i never watch the video.
anyway, is not i never watch the video, is i dont even dare to watch it! lols.OH MY GOD.!
Anyone watched/have read the email about washing your undergarmentst when you just bought it? Other than sharon chew and winnie lo? ITS REALLY DAMN DISGUSTING MAN~ HOW? I CANT STAND IT. SOOOOO ITCHYYYY.
After reading the email and looking at the picture for less than 10 seconds, i am thinking of not buying anymore BRAS and PANTIES. Can you imagine that? i even thought of LOLS. i am mad. i dont think it happened in Singapore. it's at some ANG-MOH county i think? So next time i am going to wash my
UNDERGARMENTS WITH BOILING WATER once i bought it! maybe with detol? lols. okay, not funny. serious.
Anyone want the email about that? i can send it to you if you are dare enough to watch it or curious about it. just tag me with your email and i'll send it to you ASAP. :)
Emails have differnt kinds of articles/news, dont you think so?
I wonder where those people get all those people-eating-foetus information and all the pictures. there's more lah of course.
I remember there is an email about "cheap hairbands from china"
(the ones that you tie-up your hair) that are made from "USED CONDOMS" and they just roll alot of threads around it and they sell it cheap! SO DISGUSTING RIGHT? Can you imagine that the condoms that is used before and your hair are being tied up by that? goodness.Why ah? why must they cut cost until like that? maybe its not true lah, who knows?
Oh, there is one time whereby i was at one shop selling all sorts of hair stuff and after reading that email, i start looking that those really CHEAP HAIRBANDS and start to like dig into it and look at it. LOLS. then there is one packet where i dig, i tried to like pull the threads away from the rubberband or whatsoever to see what actually is the elastic thing. And guess what i saw? transparent pink rubberish plastic? look like an condom. DOTS. kept looking at it for quite long, the sales asisstant also got look at me! lols. but i dont care, so i put down and asked sharon to come and take a look at it. lols.
So afterall, i am still not very sure whether if its condom or what.
Whatever it is, i will never save that kind of money to buy cheap hairbands.
So next time, when you want to buy hairbands, buy those ends that shows white rubberband.
Surely that is not condoms. lols.
Okay, enough of all those.
Shall end.
Monday, January 29, 2007 @6:19 PM
Today, i notice one of my male teacher puts foundation on his face, so_________. i didnt mean to go notice it lah, just that he was explaining some sums to me then i happen to look down on his face while i was standing up. lols. i am still suspecting if he's a _____. just cant forget the way how he says out "
BECAUSE I DONT COOK!". haha. its
DAMN FUNNY and _____.
During BSA lesson, it was so boring and dead. everyone seems SOO sleepy. And she is being like " come-hate-me-all-you-want-i-dont-give-a-damn" attitude. she is teaching soo fast that some of us cant catch up. and she DIE DIE also want to finish that topic by today.
WTH? heck.OFP is the same. relaxing and sleepy. got back our CA papers. yay! i got 49.5/50.
Happy for my friends also cause they also ACES their CA.
HIP HIP HOORAY!Decided to go home after accompany geokfong to eat.
Saw tofai and felicia tan. unexpected. lols.
Then headed home.
SaturdayWent to work at 6pm.
Work seems to be boring now.
Felt so stranger when i went for briefing.
heck, i've my friends. :)Two new collegues came, they are english educated one hor. MAI SIAO SIAO.!
I admit that i feel really weird speaking to that girl in english cause her's is like DAMN GOOD.
Like she just came back from overseas studies. asked her whether if she went for studies at overseas, but she say NO! then i told her, whoa, your english is damn good can?!
Then she say her chinese is BETTER! then i say, why dont want say earlier?! i really got difficulties talking to you in english leh! have to think in my head and translate into english before talking to you.
WTH RIGHT? She's a smart person lah! JC hor!
mai siao siao. but say too far so never go for JC.
But they get to know this job by looking at the advertisment. dots.
The tv show that ABIGAIL came for the wedding. diah served that table. lols.
She/he is damn FAIR ! like tofu! lols.
Oh. my table got a small boy aged around 4 or 5. SO CUTE!
Got manners one! lols.
He thanked me everytime after i serve him his food. lols. and called me JIEJIE not AUNTIE!
Cause you know lah, most kids always like to call those teenagers or those who are older than them AUNTIE. SUCH-A-TURN-OFF!Then there is one time he called me.
Me: yes? what you want?
Him: paused for a while. PAPA ( in a soft tone)
Me: huh? you want papa ah?
Him: nodded his head.
Me: huh? but your papa not with me! -laughed-
Then his mother asked me, what he want huh?
Then i say, he say he want PAPA! but i say your papa not with me!
Then his mother laugh out loud and say : sorry ah! his papa is at overseas so YA.
Then she apologise to me again, Its okay lah mdm.
Before they left the dinner, i say byebye to that boy, but he
HECK CARE ME! so i just went to do my things.
After a while, the aunt brought him back and asked him to say byebye to me! HAHA.
Then he shake his hand with me!
SO CUTE LAHHHHHHH.After that i was thinking, hmm i think i say the wrong thing leh.
Why say his papa not with me? i sounded like mistress. DOTS. lols.
what to do. my english is bad. hahahaha. but i felt happy at that very moment when he came to shake his hand with me. CUTE!
You see, sometimes service providers just need some smile or saying thank you from the customers/guests to make their day meaningful!
So next time people, smile or say thank you to the person who served you. They deserved it!
But if those are really very bad ones, then you should know what to do lah. LOLS.
Friday, January 26, 2007 @11:01 PM
ThursdayIt was a meaningful day man, after all that hard work that we have done.
The banner, the hand-made hearts pins,.....
Went to Macpherson ITE at 9am. Manage to set up the booth at 10am finish at around 11.15am i think?
The event is about SPEAK GOOD ENGLISH. lols.
although i dont speak good english but its a good time to skip lessons lols.Me, sharon and qihui are in charge of the tongue twister booth. the actual even starts at 2pm.
But we open our booth at around 12+pm which is a bad choice. REGRETED.
Some ite students came to play but IT WAS ALWAYS THE SAME OLD PEOPLE! they wanna get 8 chops and then they can redeem prizes. sickening. cant they just spare a thought for those lower secondary school students? it was meant for them not THEM!, i suppose. lols.
Okay, i am not a racist but maybe a little when it comes to meeting sickening different races of people. They are not being very polite and they are so rude! Me and sharon PURPOSELY went to popular before that day to buy those material to make the hearts-shapes pins, and we spend
OUR PRECIOUS TIME to cut, glue, trace,wait for it to dry. I spent like the whole night till 3am. and i didnt had my dinner since my lunch!
but i dont feel hungry lah. Then when i was alone at the booth, SO MANY PEOPLE CAME AT ONCE.! i cant manager at all, the hearts-pins are suppose to be given to those as a small gift from us IF he/she reads it out well! But there is one time whereby one whole group of malays girls came and then, 2 of them played the game and they took the hearts-pins (its okay, at least they've tried) But ALL OTHERS IN THEIR GROUPS TOOK ONE EACH! WTH? they take it like nobodys business. HELLO LOR, i'm right infront of you and could you please OPEN UP your mouth and ask me politely whether if i can give you one? i would definately give it to them if they ask me politely but they just took it! SO SICK!After all, i think that i rather let those lower-sec students play it then the "unmatured _______".Letting the lower-sec school students play, i feel happy and its worth the time and all. As for the ________, i've got nothing to say lah.After the thing finally get to take 2 pictures with my classmates and mrs lim.
Went to find sokkuan with sharon to take her samsoon's vcd.
Headed down to geylang east to buy hello kitty lunchbox and our dinner.
After eating, i wanted to buy my favourite GARDEN blueberry waffle but need to wait very long, so we waited. while waiting we talk alot lah, suddenly we heard some
REALLY WEIRD LANGUAGES which is like so ________. both of us keep laughing lah, non-stop kay! cause they guy keep sayig te same thing, he got some mental problem, serious lah. he take the public phone never put coin in and then start saying loudly
:"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 KUAI! (in chinese) LOLS X 10!! funny anot sia? lols.then we laugh until we wanna pee cause the whole day since morning we haven visited the
TOILETBOWL. lols.the auntie making the waffle looked at us cause we laugh like damn loud and non-stop and keep saying :
wah lao, sibei funny leh~~ hahaha, wah lao dont laugh leh!! i want to SHHHHHH SHHHHH LEH! COMING OUT ALREADY! lols. but continue laughing.
When the man walked away, the waffle auntie told us ask us,She: hen hao xiao huh? ( meaning very funny is it?)Us: uh YAH! hahaShe: aiyo, next time dont let him see you laugh ah, he got something wrong up in his head one leh!Us: huh! really ah?!She: yah lor, if he saw you laughing at him ah, he will come and beat you up and scold you ah! you all better be careful not to laugh at him next time!Us: orh! Then sharon told me,Ron: no wonder just now the cake shop people like saying :oh he come liao.Me: oh okay. "If" he saw you laughing at him then chase after you how?Ron: run lor.Me: but your tongue twister balloon DAMN BIG LAH, later he follow the balloon. haha.Ron: huh? then my plastic bag and bag so heavy leh.Me: nevemind lor, put down your plastic bag and run lah! then after running away from him then come back and take your plastic bag on the ground. lols.Ron: HUH?! my kim sam soon vcd leh! Then i forgot how we ended the conversation on this. lols.
Headed home.
Today went to school like a corpse like that. so tired *yawns*
Kanghao told us that our teacher say must have a bonding session so each person budget 5 bucks. And he asked us what food we want but i say GO BBQ LAH, one person $10 lah, $5 where got enough? Then he say teacher say is order food then we sit down eat. DOTS.......
Then sharon say huh? for what sia? later order the food then take liao then surely all sit in groups one lor. like that might as well go out eat.
Then i say dont want order food lah, i rather have POT-LUCK! its even better, no need spend money also. LOLS.
But we still prefer BBQ then we keep saying BBQ lah, then kanghao say :
KH: teacher say later very smoky( i think he got mention about the clothes will stinks, i think only)
Us: wah lao, then order food call what bonding sia? mad lor. like that rather dont want bonding session, save MONEY.
KH: cannot, cause teacher say she must submit the bonding dont know what to section head.
Us: wah lao, then is like doing for her own good like that lor! sickening.i dont know lah. if this is the case, i rather have pot luck.

The tongue twister banner.

I will post others of my pics next time. i'm suffeing from my illness now. if you can remember its depression = very tired until buey tahan anymore.! goodness! i havent wax my legs yet. cant be borthered man, shall do it tomorrow.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007 @8:45 PM
Went to school.
She asked for my MC, but i don't have.
She talk to me again, but i hate it.
I was really sick but don't wanna see doctor.
NAG about it and say next time i am going to the section head.
And said that the section head is now very strict about the 2nd semester.
So i may get de-bared from exams.
She even add on that "if" any of the teachers who want to de-bared me from any exams, she WOULD definately AGREE and ALLOWS it.
what the hell.of course i just nodded my head and said nothing.Why am i always being "so blessed" to get this kind of teachers?Maybe this is how my life suppose to be.I know i shouldnt blame it on her or what.Its all because of what i have done.A habit is always a habit. You cant change it overnight. RIGHT?But what kind of teachers are qualified to a very good teacher?What qualities must she have.At least, i would say that god have really blessed me with 2 good teachers and a counseller.Which is sister jo., miss masura and auntie susan.Although i am a not a bad student but a problematic student who doesnt like coming to school and is a late queen, they still treated me with hope.But i have let miss masura down, i know.They encourage students that have bad results even when they scored 1,2,3 marks more than their previous test.They dont look down on them like WHAT THE" AHEM AHEM" DID.Looking down on them and saying to them straight in their faces DOESNT EVEN HELP ATTTTTT ALLLL.IN FACT!, YOU HAVE GIVEN THE STUDENT NO HOPE AND MADE THEM LOSE CONFIDENT IN THEMSELVES AND MADE THEM LOST THEIR INTEREST IN STUDYING WHEN THEY ARE TRYING THEIR VERY BEST TO DO IT, EVENTHOUGH ITS REALLY REALLY VVEERRYY HARD.I do hated studying, but i believe that if your foundation is good, you will at leat love studying a little.If your foundation is weak, i myself believe that you can try REALLY HARD but you will soon get distracted and lost the confident, determination and motivation in yourself when the results are not what you have expected to have. And also, the surrounding plays a little part too.To be a good teacher, its really hard.Whatever, maybe i shall go be a teacher myself! lols.I dont know why i get so agitated when it comes to talking about teachers and those who treated you really bad.This teacher today, i considered her as a not bad teacher already. Cause everyone has their limits of patience.So, what i can do is to blame it on my habit.Habit follows you all the way till you are really old. unless you are being strike by the thunderstorm and lost your memory then! maybe you will be a better person. lols.what the hell am i talking about. shall stop.ciaos.
Sunday, January 21, 2007 @12:27 AM
I dont understand why must they still be together after so many years of quarrel, fighting, scolding vulgarities to___.?
You know that there is no love between the both of then just get the right things DONE LAH.
Why make both of you suffer all this fucking shit every day,month?
Both are stubborn, but ____is a fucking more stubborn!
We cant communicate with you.
We talk east you talk west. And say the opposite to people.
Of course everyone gets angry over what you have said to others.
And of course, everyone get angry over the vulgarities you scolded at _____.
Just go use your fucking brain and put yourself in ____ shoes.
DUH~! YOU WILL BE EVEN WORSE.We wanna talk/discuss things with you but you are so fucking stubborn and gets angry over what we say. we are trying to talk/discuss with you and you and your fucking stubborness just won't go away. damn it lah!, i dont wanna live in this kind of life! sometimes, i just wanna get out of here and live outside. but i cant leave ___ behind. Cause i wouldn't know what will happened to her. i may look happy cheerful all the time but thats the outside. i'm just so used to it, maybe this is how i'm trying to running away, but what else can i do? it happened all the time, just like the running tap water. People dont get what i mean because they will never know unless they have the same life as me. i would say january is not a good month every year, all this always confirm gurantee happen on january.ALWAYS. if you want to to count how many times in a year they will be like this, i am afraid i can't count it! why am i always the one to see all this fucking shit happening infront of me? he is always out when this kind of thing happened. Fuck it, i dont wanna say anymore, sometimes i just wish that your fucking charactor will change, but i know that will never happen because someone has been waiting for _____ years. money may be the important issue to us, maybe with more money, the right things will be done or maybe it will be worse. i dont know. i hope god/jesus is a reader of my blog so he will make the changes to the people that should be changed in this world. but i know that will never happen. cause many people are doing the wrong things that makes me think that why there are natural disasters. its the punishment of their wrong-doings. things that i have typed-out is just 1/5 of me. afterall, blog is a online diary that have no pirvacy. at least i shared my 1/5 pirvacy. thank me will you? i will be fine after a good sleep. but i am sure it will happen again real soon, fuck i hate it.
Saturday, January 20, 2007 @1:50 PM
Woke up late by 5 minutes yesterday.
So was late lah, took my own sweet time cause i decided to take cab to school.
Its $2 extra okay? for the peak hour and also ERP! SUCKS MAN.
Total= $9.50.
wasted. Reached school DAMN early. 7.45am.
-tie hair in toilet
-went back to chat with michelle.
-sat down alone for a while to sms to sharon.
-saw her and went for assembly.
After assembly, 1 hour of study time for OFP CA.
Had the test, can say is EASY but TRICKY. but i am sure i can pass quite well. LOLS.
After CA, had PE, ran 2 big rounds in 6 minutes 47 seconds. lols.
So if i run at that pace during my 2.4 km run, should be able to complete it in 14 minutes?
ya right, as if i will have that kind of determination to continue running without stopping. lols.Start my detention at 11.15am.
i have a 4 hours of detention to do lah~Went to eat, and do our banner for the tongue twister! hmm, went back home around 5+ 6pm.
But i let my teacher sign my detention form at 4. hmm 5 hours of detention.
sucks!Felt so happy about it! i think the banner is nice de lor. lols. i got take 2 picture of it but i cant upload. lols.
Rush home to bathe and get changed to meet winnie, wendy and xinyuan at parkway.
Happily reached there and saw them, they pass me a durian muah chee ice cream,
not those mochi lah.Its super big?Then they say must put it in your mouth,
just one mouth!But i dont like durian. I was like looking at winnie, cause i dont think the thing can squeeze into her mouth lor.
Her mouth so SMALL.
Then they keep saying, just put!
Then i put lah!
FUCK LAH. they keep laughing! assholes.
And it tasted bad.
yucks.They bluff me lah. lols.
Took a very very longgg time to finally finish it.
wah lao eh.Then we went to hawker to eat.
Xinyuan say she very full so just bought drinks, then we scold her.
"wah lao, you say want to come hawker one leh, then now you dont want to eat, then here so hot somemore!"
In the end she got buy food lah! lols.
After eating we are so full lah. so we accompany wendy to the handphone booth to buy her stuff.
While waiting, xinyuan was beside me and keep telling me:
XY: zihui, i very full leh! my stomach going to explode already!
Me: orh okay.
After a few minutes.....
XY: zihuiiiii, i very fulllllll lehh.. my stomach going explode LIAO.
ME: eh, if you want to explode hor, dont explode here leh, go into THAT RUBBISH BIN and then explode hor! lols.
Then i keep laughing. non stop.
Me: you must go there open the bin cover then put yourself inside then cover yourself with the cover then count down 10..9..5..3..2..1..0! BOMB!!!! like that then police will thought is terrorist lols.
Then both of us keep laughing lah!! LOLS SO FUNNY. MUST IMAGINE LAH.
After buying, 3 of us was like XINYUAN LEH?
Then i say dont know leh! maybe she go and lok for RUBBISH BIN TO BOMB HERSELF! lols, hahahahah so funny.
Then finally we saw her sitting down at mc-cafe.
Told them about the rubbish bin thing, LAUGHEDDDD.
Chill over there for a few hours then headed home.
Hmm, here a email that i read jus now.
A story: A Princess who melts everything except....true.
Once upon a time there lived a king. The king had a beautiful daughter, the PRINCESS.
But there was a problem. Everything the princess touched would melt.
No matter what; metal, wood, stone, Anything she touched would melt.
Because of this, men were afraid of her.
Nobody would dare marry her.
The king despaired. What could he do to help his daughter?
He consulted his wizards and magicians.
One wizard told the king, "If your daughter touches one thing that does not melt in her hands, she will be cured."
The king was overjoyed and came up with a plan next day, he held a competition.
Any man that could bring his daughter an object that would not melt would marry her and inherit the king's wealth.
The first brought a sword of the finest steel.
But at last, when the princess touched it, it melted, and t he prince went away sadly.
The second prince brought diamonds.
He thought diamonds are the hardest substance in the world and would not melt.
But alas, once the princess touched them, they melted.
He too was sent away disappointed.
The third prince approached.
He told the princess, "Put your hand in my pocket and feel what is in there."
The princess did as she was told, though she turned red.
She felt something hard. She held it in her hand. And it did not melt!!!
The king was overjoyed.
Everybody in the kingdom was overjoyed.
And the third prince married the princess and they both lived happily ever after.
Question: What was in the prince's pants?M&M's of course. They melt in your mouth, not in your hand. What were you thinking??
You Very Hum Sap Loh!
Monday, January 15, 2007 @9:08 PM
Late for school for 2 hours.
Somemore its monday!
During BSA, the remaining groups presented their projects.
But BK presentation is damn FUNNY!
Anyway also can guess how he present lah~.
He keep " Ummm..hmm" like once every sentences. almost half of the class keep laughing infront of him but we cant LAUGH OUT LOUD if not our marks will be deducted!
Even her girlfriend cant stand it and laugh along with us! lols.
I have to pinch my nose if not i will laugh out!
But when i breathe, is like SO OBVIOUS that i laughed!
the UMMM..HMM GUY. lols.
Had a meeting about the speak good english thing held at macpherson ite on the 25 january.
Me, sharon and qihui will be in charge of tongue twister. yup, we laughed so much when we read it out ourselves. hmm, quite hard actually.
Bought the material from popular but not all.
Gonna claim the money from teacher once we have finish buying the things we want.
Actually we think that no people is going to play lah. but nevermind lah.
APPROVED LEAVE that day! lols.
OH YA! nearly forgot about what my teacher say about dropping out of school today during BSA.
This teacher told us, velu is out of our class, he have signed the form and paid the class fund.
So we have more money in our class fund already.
Then she say soon mustaqium will quit and then follow by WEE (which is me lah!)
Then i was like
!!!!!WTH?SAYS WHO? ONLY LEFT 2 MONTHS, WHAT FOR I QUIT?MAD.Kept quiet at that point of time. sickening.
Took 155 home from toa payoh.
Its peak hour. An old ah ma which is english educated sat beside me.
She have 3 bags of things with her
(2 plastic bags, and her bag)She placed one of her plastic bag on ground, another in between us! and her bag on her lap.
I was already sitting very very inside, no space at all, so uncomfortable lah.
Then okay, nevermind.After like 5 minutes, she fall asleep, nearly slept on my shoulder!.
nvm.She woke up and soon less than 1 minute fall asleep again!
This time she nearly slept on my shoulder again AND YOU KNOW WHAT?
Her bag on her lap fall into her plastic bag which is on the ground and both of her hands just OPEN UP AND SIDE BY SIDE.
For your information, her left hand+arm is on my thighs there! WTF?
And she cant wake up at all! not paiseh hor? automatic abit lah.
Very jialat, there's another time where she was holding a brochure on dentist just fall from her hands into her plastic bag. CAN YOU IMAGINE THAT? LIKE SHE NEVER SLEPT FOR
859217612 DAYS!!
wah lao eh. really very jiaaaalat.
At first when both of her hands just placed side by side and the brochure fall into the bag,
I THOUGHT SHE WAS DEAD! LOLS. I LOOKED AT HER CHEST TO SEE WHETEHR IF SHE IS BREATHING NOT. i am not pervert okay?!I am so scared that she just die like that and is beside me somemore!
Oh, during OFP lesson, Mrs Lim asked us whether
if its okay for a girl to have a very very close boy( friend) ?All of us said, OKAY WHAT? She say wahh, you all so open ah!
DOTS.Then she asked, what if you like this guy BUT this guy likes another girl? what are you gonna do?Some replied her: nevermind lor, stay as friends and dont tell him about your feelings. And let him have happiness. At least still have the friendship there.
While some said: Tell him your feelings lor, but he dont like then too bad lor. If the girl that he likes rejects him and wants to be with me, you will know that he is pity you and maybe taking you as a subsitute.
So what will your answer be if you are being questioned?_____________________________________________________________Oh, i think i am going to change my skin this time.
Found a nice one.!
But will need some time to do it.
I'm lazy to upload the pics leh.
@1:04 AM
Anyone interested in buying DXO tickets on 20 january for $18?
Anyone interested in buying RAIN'S CONCERT tickets at $150 for one ticket or $250 for two tickets.
Anyone interested in buying cornflakes covered with creamy milk chocolate that comes with a container which cost you only $9 for 30 pieces.
Hmm i think i deserved some commission right? lols.
I dont mind if you wanna give me some commission if there are buyers. LOLS.
Saturday, January 13, 2007 @4:54 PM
Will post some pictures when my friend sends it to me. =)
@4:07 PM
Yes! it rain the whole day yesterday, sickening.
So troublesome to travel here and there.
Heard from my teacher that this year will be a very hot year for us.
Cause the ozone layer got a bigger hole now, and dont know which country flowers are suppose to be bloom on the month april have already BLOOM NOW.
Ice are melting causing floods i think? hmm.
And this make me think that SUNBLOCK is going to be a bestseller product this year.
what rubbish.
Not only that, i will turn chao ta in no time. haha cause i turn black easily. NOT TANN but CHAO TA.
Went to mos burger to accompany sharon to have her brunch.
i've tried the salmon burger, erm it taste abit like the teriyaki burger but still nice.
Went home to change and went out with sok kuan and tofai for sakae sushi at century square.
Reached there at 4.20pm, and left at 6pm.
Went to the toilet, SO DIRTY!
Not the floor but the toiletbowl.
The toiletbowl is seat is filled with URINE. EWWWW.
Went to another cubicle while telling sokkuan about it.
Then joyce called me and ask where am i.
Asked her whether is it she saw me? she say no BUT MY VOICE.
LOLS. we are in the same toilet and she said she heard my voice, so she tried calling to confirm whether its me anot.
LOLS. then we laugh and speak so loud on the phone WHEN WE EVEN CAN HEAR EACH OTHER. so i told her, eh we can dont need to use the phone lor, we can hear each other!. HAHA.
Then chat a little with her and shane. went our separate ways.
After that 3 of us went to wait for the ikea shutter bus.
But the bus only come at every 30 minutes so we went to the tampines link and walk around.
i went to find audrey if not she say i never go find her. whatever.
She cut her hair SHORT.
Then chat a little, head towards the station to Q for the bus.
Reached courts megastore, and walk around then to IKEA.
Same thing happened.
After buying some things, its already 10pm so decided to go home.
But we got bring umbrella lah. so took 168 to bedok and change 40.
At katong there is 2 AH PEK came into the bus and sit behind me and SK.
Which is the last seat lah, the 5 seaters i think?
And i dont really like it, cause some ah pek is always doing some disgusting things at the back so i wasnt feeling very comfortable.
But they never lah but they just made us feel weird.
So i told SK that i have a phobia on AH PEKS. lols.
not those very old ah peks, you should know lah?
That's all for yesterday.
Oh ya, this few days i am so mad about the RAIN speaking english.
I keep repeating in school.
ME: hi! this is rain, whats up singapore? i'll see you on 27 of january at the singapore indoor stadium. PEACE.
Thursday, January 11, 2007 @2:42 PM
So tired can? And somemore today got OFP test, i have been absent always on OFP test. DOTS.
So i slept until 1.35pm straight.
TOTAL HOURS OF SLEEP: 12 hours and 35 minutes.
Tomorrow will be starting school at 8am to 11.45 am. SIAN.
No function this week, so gonna ROT again!!
So not used to not working on weekends, the time just pass so sO SO SLOW.
Anyway, got 2 more OFP test next week, one is normal test the another is CA.
So i am just taking the weekends and memorise it.
Nothing about OFP is in my head, so really have to study if not_________.
Hmm, shall share this youtube japanese show with those who never watch it before.
Its a very very FUNNY show to me lah.
Just go to and then type in: Do not laugh.
There are many of it, but i just found one of it SO FUNNY.
Its about a class about 20 people i guess? dressed in school uniform in their 30s i think? (quite old huh?) and they have got a teacher infront and show them a video on a man learning english, which is SOOOO FUNNY BUT! the students are not ALLOWED TO LAUGH. If they laugh, then they have to get WHACK. quite painful lah.
You should just watch it if you have not.
Its: you will enjoy it. :)
Woke up in the morning, and WAS SO SLEEPY, force myself to school.
While walking to school and tieing my hair at the same time with sharon, I FELL DOWN ONTO THE DRAIN THAT HAVE METAL COVER and i just kneel there for a while, cause quite shock leh. And i scream a little when i fall. SO SIA SUAY. And i dare not stand up or turn and look at the back, cause its so SIA SUAY lah!
Have some skin not totally torn off my kneecap. LOLS.
But it feels good to fall when you have not really wake up in the morning. LOLS.
I think i am quite SIAO huh? lols.
Met sokkuan and amelia after school cause they came back to find teacher and ask something.
Went to S-11 to eat with them together with geokfong and sharon.
After geokfong left, amelia asked us a LOGIC QUESTION. BUT STUPID ANSWER.
As usual, my strange habit, hyper for a while and depression. LOLS.
Cause i am really tired lah. But i tahan all the way.
Went home with sok kuan and we sat down at our house downstairs the seats, and we feel like we are AUNTIES. LOLS.
Chatted for like 2 hours and went back home at 7.30pm.
Had a bath and watch superstar and also using the net.
Only wanted to hear DIYA SING. lols.
Then saw winnie online, asked her to send me the Lee Sheng Jie song, RECENTLY (in chinese)
then she say:" no need lah, i sing for you lah NICER!"
Then after a while she called me, and you guess what she did? SO IRRITATING BUT FUNNY AND LAME.
then she ZIHUI, *sings*
你想要的, 我却不能够给你我全部
我能给的 却又不是你想要拥有的
我们不适合, 也不想认输好几次我们抱着彼此都是想要哭.
Then i told her i watching superstar so we put down the phone.
MAD HUH SHE? lols.
Then called janice and chat for a while and yizhi called in.
We decided to call in sok kuan phone when the clock strikes 12 AM. lols.
So janice went to bathe, and i went to eat my dinner.
Was eating until so XING KU.
at that point of time its like 11.53pm, so i ate few spoonful of rice then have to look at the time, LIKE DONT KNOW HOW MANY TIMES LAH?
Then finally 11.59pm.
I dial the number.
Then like finally its 12 AM.
Then i told her about the counting down thing. haha. LAUGHED.
Then yizhi called in and followed by janice.
Then chat a little while watching YU LE BAI FEN BAI.
Then i say i wanna go study for test and watch tv.
Went to study for my test and slept at 1pm.
Monday, January 08, 2007 @7:48 PM
Alright, this is the pic that cuiping and me took after work.

@6:49 PM
i am feeling so depressed today.
Got not enough sleep, had a horrible presentation with no preparation at all and the mood is just not right lah.
whatever man. its not going to change.
i'm not going to add any friends in friendster next time, i shall wait for them to add me.
i am going to graduate from nitec in march 26 i think. SO FAST. good.
Today, january intake of new students. heard from my teacher there is 13 office skills and 4 retail classes. WTH?
Think i shall just stop here today lah, many things running through my mind. ARGH.
Cant stop thinking about it.
But i will be okay after a good sleep.
Sunday, January 07, 2007 @5:02 PM
As usual, went around to read my friend's blog.
Went to cuiping--- that irritating girl's blog and and saw a pic of me and her after work!
like SHIT SIA. lols. but nevermind, she edit some words and it is SOOOO FUNNY LAH.
wanted to save that picture in my com but cant right click leh, so shall wait for her to send me.
will post it next time. HAHA SO FUNNY. just cant stop laughing.
Hmm, nothing to blog lah so GOODBYE.
Saturday, January 06, 2007 @10:33 PM
Okay, i got a nightmare AGAIN!
Feel kinda weird today cause i usually work on weekends but not this weekends cause no function and i am so BROKE.
I went to change my blogskins like 3 times in a day?
Then now i decided to stay with my THIS OLD BLOGSKIN.
Better right? LOLS.
Wasted my time doing this and that.
Hmm, i finally washed my school shoes lah. YAY. LOLS. lame.
Will be meeting yizhi later after her work cause she help me buy my favourite cake!
Chocolate truffle. lols. YUM YUM.
Okay, manage to grab this picture from wendy's friendster.
During christmas eve at xinyuan house.

Friday, January 05, 2007 @1:35 PM
Pass the present to felicia, finally lah. its been with me for like 2 months?
Yesterday not fun lah, so boring and pek cek.
She've changed lah. asshole.
Everything also her BF BF BF. hello lor, we "nan de" meet up then you in the end also must go bf's place meh? you choose your bf instead of your friends then next time break up dont come and find us lah. we are not your taxi okay. smoke smoke smoke, smoke until you die lah. fucking bf also like never stop you from smoking, what kind of bf is this? er xin. we cant save you anymore lah, WU YAO KE JIU. i am not going to take the iniciative to ask you out next time. even if you are the one who ask me out, i'm just going to think twice.
Thursday, January 04, 2007 @1:49 AM
Alright, felt so damn disgusted after looking at some people's friendster pictures and introduction about themselves.
I really hate looking at people taking pictures of themselves from an angle high up and squeeze their mouth and try smiling and trying to open their eyes so big like the eyes will just POP OUT anytime! yucks. Trying to act innocent or trying to make your eyes bigger or trying to act cute huh? its not nice at all! its so ________.
And ii also hate to see people typiing liike thiis eu noe? eu thiink iits so cool to type liike thiis? so ah liian and iits slows down your readiing, dunno why some people liike to type verii verii short form and change a proper engliish word iinto some other wordss. example,
THEN = DENCH............etc. so how is it? quite funny ah? and sometimes you just have to read a few times out to get to know the word! why ah? make people's life so difficult? LOLS. i also hate to see people writing testimonial to people
If you are someone that take photos like this and type this way and you are reading this and felt offended or whatever then too bad, i'm so sorry. If not, please just simply move your mouse to your top right had corner and click on the X . Thank you. :)
also, i saw a girl photo, and i dont know why she put such THICK THICK foundation. Thick is okay but its really white!! dont even match her skin colour at all can? dont whether is it she wanna be a geisha or what?! and she take photos like what i have mention above. even DOTS. typical ah ____. you think everyday haloween is it? Mad. Somemore putting on foundation which is sooo much fairer than your skin colour makes your teeth look YELLOW! then people will go DIRTY FELLOW. lame.
Alright, just now went to meet xinyuan and winnie for dinner at eunos after their driving lessons.
We went xinyuan's mum stall to eat. We ate prawn noodle and stingray. Headed down to airport to chill and we saw ruijuan and her gf. So we went together, we chill from 8+ to 1135 like that, but ruijuan and gf went off first. Then no more train towards boon lay only pasir ris, so went down to tanah merah with winnie and took bus home. My house the "WU LU" path is flooded! so i walked with my bare feet! was so scare of worms! lols. not worms lah is the QIU YING. LOLS. Reach home and found out my "big auntie" came! hate it man. Going out later in the morning to accompany sok kuan for her 2 interviews and after that meeting sharon for the project! it sucks. i hate projects. school is starting in 3 days time. hate it man. i am going to turn black not TANN. chao ta. i will never get tann at all only get chao ta. dont ask me why cause i dont know it either. i am getting fatter lah~ actually i am already fat. lols. the fats is store at the wrong place. lols.
school starting = more projects, less sleep, wake up in the morning, become chao ta, OFP CA ( haven't study yet), less meet up with my friends, no more chilling, have to eat the horrible canteen food, going bishan, dirty toilets that dont even have toilet papers (lols), napfa test, able to see my classmates for the last few months, presentation of BPF project ( sucks man).
Wednesday, January 03, 2007 @3:53 PM
Went to parkway to meet wendy,winnie, xinyuan, ken and xinyan around 2 like that.
Slack a little bit then ken drove us to ECP then we went to rent bicyle.
We got a heathly lifestyle! LOLS.
I sucks at cycling lah! So long never cycle.
Then we cycle all the way to bedok jetty, slack a little and we decided to head off to lagoon.
While cycling, we saw a little buy crying and keep cycling then we ask him " DIDI WHY YOU CRY?" because he lost his parent lah!
Then i understand how he feels cause i was lost my friends when i was in primary 5 and my cycling sucks! lols.
So keep asking him the same questions but he never answer me, want to run away also, so i ran after him like an idiot then i say eh you dun cycle leh later cannot find your parent, we help you find. then finally manage to grab him then i ask for his parents number, but i dont understand what he talking cause he speak with his mouth CLOSE! lols.
So asked for a few times then called he parents, so we bring him cycle back to his parents. haha so funny, he got the MUN TUO he keep taking it and eat while cycling, no energy. And he always cycle to the wrong side of the lane. blah blah blah......
Finally saw his father! Hugged him and CRY ! haha. cute lah, his name is javier? lols.
After that we cycle to lagoon and we had smbal sotong, stingray and coconut.
Return the bicycle and ken drove us to punggol then back to katong cause we already book room at teo heng, sang from 8 to 10pm, cause got meet the ah huat ah may. lols.
then we ate and chat a little at hong kong teahouse then head towards five stars, AGAIN SLACKKKKKKKKKKKKKK FOR FEW HOURS, THINK 2 Hours, then went to ABC SLACK AND EAT then sent winnie home and we walkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk one very very very big round back to parkway and slack! siao siao! lols. walking is nice lah. Then we went ken's place and we chat a little and wendy slept on ken bloster and drool on it! lols. hahahah. then xinyuan slept on the floor. ken and i chat abit more till 6+am she fall asleep and i decided to go home by cab, so asked the sister what time going school so i can fetch her go, but in the end never. Actually wanted to take cab home but already 7am, got peak hour charge so i went o take bus home!
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ TILL 3.40PM, i force myself to wake up!
oh ya the little boy parents got message me when we are in katong shopping centre!
1st message:"hi, this is the lost boy parent, thank you for bringing back my boy."
Reply:" you are welcome! your boy is very cute and happy new year!"
2nd message:" happy new year to you too!"
Felt so happy lah. lols.
Hmm, thats it.
I just notice this skin sucks! all words are justified!