Saturday, November 25, 2006 @1:17 PM
Yesterday for PE our teacher taught us about gym stuff.
Her PE lesson is very fun, cause we will learnt different thing not like the previous one where we always do the standardn things, like go run one round and do warm up and head to the hall and play games, THATS it. Now is different. GOOD.
After PE, we went to the canteen and eat cause its raining so heavily, cant get out of the school.
After eating we went to Somerset and then i went to find tingyi, hmm, still the same, like auntie, haha.
Then after that we went to Cineleisure K-box to sing, student price lah. lols.
from 1.45pm to 6pm. WOOOOHOOOOO!
Then so funny, when me and sharon sing fan wei qi song we will laugh non stop! lols dont know why also.
Then whenever geokfong sing, all our faces is very funny. LOLSSSS.
Shge sings soooooooo LOUDLY!! LOLS. then i will always turn the MIC volume down lols.
is very the loud. Then when she sings so loudly, me sharon and qihui will give that kind of face like the glass going to break into pieces! lols. or we will cover our ears, HAHAHAHAHA SO FUNNY.
Had so much fun yesterday, but busy also lah, confirm going to be very busy next week.
After singing, wen to heeren cause we wanted to take neoprints.
Then guess who i saw?
First MUNIRAH, then chat a little and she told me debbie is inside so i went in.
Saw debbie and called her, then chat a little then my friends ask me faster.
So i left. But i am very happy that i saw them, its been long since i last met them.
After neoprints, Qihui have to go to her cousin place, and she took cab. .....waste money leh. cause its peak hour and she stay farrrr. haha.
Then geokfong accompany her go take cab and suddenly they walk so fast then we cant find them. While calling for geokfong, there is this HSBC booth outside heeren booth asking people to find a spider in a $2 note, everyone was finding, anyway sharon cant give up! lols. but in the end did! lols.
After that headed down to far east to find for food, but many people and so smokey.
So went to Scotts Food court instead.
Decided what we wanted to eat and while i was putting down my food, i saw my friend.
long time no see. lols.
Scare me! cause she stand behide me quite long then suddenly ZIHUI ...... lols.
The she say why never saw her. lols. how i know?
Chat a little, exchanged number then BYEBYE. lols.
Headed down to Wisma Topshop, wanted to try on the dark blue jacket but dont have so i tried the black one lor. hmm not bad lah but abit weird. still, i prefer the dark blue one.
Then after that its 10+pm then so tired already, so decided to go home.
While walking into the mrt station, i saw DAPHNE YONG. lols
And talking about beeti abit. lols. She ask me find beeti. MAD I SAY.
Told her she stay your house one floor up, you ask me find her? mad hor? lols can just throw a note up her house lols.
Then i told her beeti MIA. lols cause i call her msn her msg her NO REPLY LOLS.
When i get down of the bus when i reach home, saw sokkuan! lols
Then chat chat then asked her if wanna talk so can ask yizhi down, but in the end cant.
So i called yizhi to tell her.
Then after putting down the phone, KAIXIN CALLED ME! lols.
Long time never chat with her lols.
SO from 11+ we talk on the phone until 2+am lols.
Yup, i shall consider working in giraffe if build a bear workshop doesnt want me. lols.
After that, i wa already 3/4 dead, so i need my beauty sleep. slept at 3 am!
And now i twoke up at 1pm cause later got work and have to meet yizhi. if not i can sleep longer.
I have been typing this for like 30 minutes already? so you know lah, STOP!
Thursday, November 23, 2006 @12:04 PM
Oh its been alomost 2 months since i last blog.
Lazy to blog lah.
Hmm, nothing happened recently.
Only got new BPF Project and only left about 1 week to finish.
MAD, only 2 weeks to do.
I was late for school many days, the usual me. lols.
I was called to see the section head on monday.
And then today i woke up late and i didnt went to school.
Was thinking about getting a MC.
But lazy also, so shall see how later.
Hmm, Martina birthday is reaching.