Wednesday, June 28, 2006 @9:53 PM
Went for the ngee ann poly talk.
It is a 3 hour talk!! my god.
Then went to eat long john.
Something really turned me off!~
While eating, suddenly one group of so called the ''ah lians'' came in.
The place is full with no space, if you are a polite person or just people with basic manners, you would just stand and wait for the seats right?
But this did not happened.
One of the girl walked around looking....
Another one just walked and go to a table infront of me and asked the two indians to stand up to give up their place.
They think their grandpa or father owns the long john?
Come on manz, get a life!
It's just so disgusting...
Lost my appeitie but i manage to finish it up and leave the place immediately.
Can't stay in that kind of places.
My god!!!!!
Then went home.
I took bus 13...
And then, something that i hate about those teenagers.
They stand at first, when there is seats at the green colour seat they just dash there and sit down!
Somemore the bus is full of people.
Obviously, there are even more people who need the seats more than them.
Haiyo!~ faint.
I have changed to bus 155 then it was peak hour so i have to stand up in the bus.
When i got in the bus i thought there is no people standing up.
Actually when i went in, the place is only able to fit in 3 person to stand..
Because of SOME INCONSIDERATE PEOPLE sitting down !!!!
Look at their size, they are no kids!
Considered as adults already, wearing uniforms somemore. SECONDARY. SHORTS NOT PANTS. so can't really blame them.
lols. But is like when the bus is getting crowded they don't even bother to stand up, at least create some little space lah!
Whatever, i wonder what singapore will become with such people.
Anyway, i've went to listen to my SOLER CD.
My comments is DON'T BUY. WASTE MONEY.
kay lah, nothing for me to blog.
Anyway, i will be meeting janice tomorrow! yay!
I'm scared. 3 more days to try out the new job~ lols
Monday, June 26, 2006 @5:58 PM
Alright, school today was DAMN FUN! TO ME.
The real sharon is BACK!
We laughed at all kind of things. lols
Like the lesson we had CUC , the teacher is trying to help us with the intonation.
He like the "
I never said he stole money"
And sharon laugh like hell. lols. lames.
And so many funny things, like after school ... THE MAID! LOLS.
SOME people will know what i am talking about! LOLS. SO DAMN FUNNY.
And also, the faridah ghost story. lols.
That's funny too! lols.
damn funny.
damnnnnnnnnnnnn. lols.
Okay, maybe i should type out the story.
The story goes like this........One day, faridah's cousin friend was boarding the last train and was seated at the orange cabin, so it was either the front of back.Then the train was at the underground station.Then a old woman with WHITE LONG HAIR came in. (eerie huh? lols dye yr hair lah auntie! lols)Then you surely will freak out right?So he sat there, then slowly he smell something smelly, and there's a saying for malays that when they smell something awful means they see GHOST lah. ( like pontiahnank huh? don't know how to spell)Then he scared lah, then also wondering if he should go and approach that white hair woman.Somemore the white hair woman sit at the two seats. LOLS.Then don't know why, he walk there to approach the WHITE HAIR WOMAN.Then white hair woman was facing her head down with her white hair fringe covering her face, so it's quite scary huh?Then she slowly she lift up her head, and said something to the guy.......CAN YOU GUESS WHAT SHE ACTUALLY SAID TO THAT GUY?LOLS... GUESS... GUESS............guess..She said: "SON, I'M SORRY, I JUST FARTED JUST NOW!"FUCK! SO FUNNY RIGHT? LOLS. So all along it was her farting smell!!! lols.wahahahahaha.. so funny.Anyway, today had PIE test, don't know what the fuck i am doing, heck!
And my typing test, i fail already lah! lols. HECK LAH. whatever.
Anyway, i'll be starting swiss bake work on 1 july and 2 july. 12pm to 8pm .
OMG! SCARY! Visit me people! lols.
I'm tired, think i am going to sleep later and get up to study for OFO test tml.
Saturday, June 24, 2006 @7:55 PM

Alright, i just changed my blog skin.
But my last time tag-board all gone!!
So must tag me okay?
Nothing happened today. ROT again! lols
Look at that panda dog, SO CUTE RIGHT?
Hmm, anyway i went for job-hunting yesterday with shujuan at parkway.
Filled few forms.
Very lazy to do that, so long and its all repeated!
Then had an interview at Swissbake.
The manager quite nice, friendly lah.
Then he say he will arrange few days for our trial.
Not together, SEPARATE!
He say if those few days, you are not comfortable then can quit. lols
So, just try lor.
Anyway, next week is my CA liao.
Did not went school yesterday so nothing for me to study.
Shall try my best on that day!
Kay lah. boring.
Tomorrow i am not going for the church.
Don't like.
So meeting sayting for lunch together with kaixin.
Then later meeting wendy and xinyuan if i am not wrong.
Haha, but meeting sayting at 1130 AM~!!!!!
Friday, June 23, 2006 @8:53 AM
Now it's 9am.
Did not go to school.
Woke up at 7.05 am so rushhh to bathe all that. Manage to leave the house at 7.30am.
Went to wait for cab.
But many people were waiting for it. IT'S RAINING VERY HEAVILY.
So some typical singaporean or maybe the NO HEART people, snatch cab lah! IDIOT!
Then wait and wait, rain not so heavy then slowly damn damn damn heavy.
Then message sharon that there is no cab at all, don't know whether want to go school anot.
Then decided not to go after waiting for the cab for like 40 MINUTES?!?!?!
My shoes were all wet. very wet.
Now thinking whether to take MC anot.
Later going out with shujuan.
Wanted to go IKEA. but now i abit lazy. too far lah you see.
Oh anyway, class BBQ outing is CANCELLED!
But it's okay, cause my pocket got hole. LOLS.
CA is next week. Only for OFO i think?. not too sure.
Files is at school, so can't study. whatever.
Yesterday is tingyi's birthday,
So, happy birthday lah.Called her to wish her. And she told me she is losing her make-up stuff day by day.
And her make-up stuff is not those cheap ones.
And she did not even use so many times lah. like only a few time. 3 or 4 times?
She lost her mascara, eyeliner and don't know what.
And we suspect it is the something at her house that stole it.
Things are happening very strange at her house.
Worse then last time. So maybe "it" was a female.
ewwwwwww.. so scary!!
whatever, school was quite fun and boring yesterday.
Laughed at U-N-I-C-U-P.
Faridah laugh very funny. SO CUTE
Alright, shall stop.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006 @12:40 PM

just woke up from my beauty sleep!
Did not went to school cause i wake up at 7.20am then is already late, can't go if not must see parents.
Then now still very confuse whether if i should go get a MC not.
Haiz, just now went to read kanghao's blog.
my name is there! LOLS.
Thanks for mentioning my name. LAMES.
Haiz, then his blog so funny lah, not match one!
font so big but the c-box font damn bloody small! lols.
then picture so big!!
Then i went to save this 2 lemons pictures. lols.
This shows that i am such a good girl. lols whatever!
Anyway, i miss my schoolmates now!
Regret for waking up late! FUCK.
lols, now still must pretend sick and get that MC!
Waste money also, anyway got bad experience about getting MC last time when i was still in secondary school! DAMN FUNNY ALSO!
OMG so funny!
Was chatting with shujuan (sokkuan) then .....
Lemons equal to Sour people. says:
u eat le mah
lonely soul ``hopeless `` says:
Lemons equal to Sour people. says:
u wan fater my doctor come meet for lunch
lonely soul ``hopeless `` says:
feel liek eating
Lemons equal to Sour people. says:
Lemons equal to Sour people. says:
Lemons equal to Sour people. says:
Lemons equal to Sour people. says:
LOLSLOLS, SO FUNNY RIGHT?am i scolding myself for typing that? lols
omg, i think i soooo lame lah.
later my doctor come meet for lunch....
AS IF I HAVE a doctor by myself. lols.
Anyway, yesterday my post is like SO MANY typo!!
But i can't be bothered to change it.
Anyway, holidays are coming and it shows that CLASS OUTING IS COMING!
Headache leh! MONEY COME COME ,
lemons rocks!
Tuesday, June 20, 2006 @11:50 PM
I think i am just so stupid lah!
I pronouse the airline like what fuck sia?
OMG, what a shame!!!
Teacher somemore say it's her first time hearing that!
Anyway, i am damn tired NOW! its only 11.53pm.
Went to town with sharon to shop.
But in the end did not buy anything.
Did some windown shop.
Saw some things that i like.
Actually wanted to buy a knee-length faded jeans from FOX, tried it, sharon says not bad.
But i decided to think twice! lols. but i think most probably i will return and buy that.
Then saw alottt of things lah!
Anyway, i want to buy a dress.!! DRESS! YES! DRESS! lols.
And a bag, and A LOT OF THINGS!
I need a job badly. i need money! and there's no banquet this saturday!!! sickening!
Then when to find tofai at TAKASHIMAYA, then he came to find me when he finish his work, then asked him whether got job intro anot, he say his workplace, tako pachi.
I don't mind. Cause soon money is coming in!! lols.
Then today kaixin contacted me.
She miss me and of course i do miss her, my friend.
So long never meet up!
Then we sms-ed then when i going home that time, asked her if she wanna work.
Then okay lor, everything's done.
Waiting for the trial. lols
Whatever, now you continue my story then.......
I am so damn lazy to type!
sooooooooooo tired.
Beauty sleep here i come!
tag me people! i am desparate for tags! lols. whatever~!
Monday, June 19, 2006 @7:05 PM
Today is a damn BORING day.
Ate breakfast with sharon.
So stupid to go school for just two pathetic hours.
And the class is rather quiet today, weird.
I don't like.
Everything seems to have changed.
The class is now turning very boring, haiz.
Don't wish that to happened.
Anyway, met aivy and sokkuan when me and sharon at J8.
Went to eat MOS together, and chatted for some time.
I think i want to buy k750i phone, its damn good.
And while i was at MOS burger, I think that the month JUNE is a bad month.
Many people are saddd. So many.
having telephone test tomorrow, i'm the 15th to get tested.
All the best!
Grant me!
Sunday, June 18, 2006 @2:05 PM
Alright, woke up nt long ago.
Saw all my friends messages to me.
They are sad. And so am i.
Got influence by them. This is what i am.
Alright, no mood.
Who say loving someone is great? I don't think so.
I think that loving someone is a misery.
So why give yourself all that pain and suffering?
Although, many people say that in love is a great thing, but it isn't sometimes.
Don't say i am a negative thinking person, i am actually. sometimes.
Whatever, hate liar anyway! TO THE CORE.
The class of mine is going to turn quiet.
I don't wish this to happened.
Shall wait for tomorrow and see.
Most probably 80% going to be quiet.
Soon it will be a class full of dead people.
Hope that my mood is going to be good tomorrow.
To my friends, don't sad.
I have to say TIME this word again.
Time is all you need now, and also your friends to be by your side.
So call me out!
Saturday, June 17, 2006 @11:59 PM
I want to go IKEA!!
Actually wanted to go today but i lazy.
Lazy seems to be a serious problem.
But i have it. LOLS.
Maybe i am going to IKEA tomorrow!
Meatballs and hotdogs here i come~!!
Alright, just now my father came back and asked me a STUPID QUESTION.
" Meimei ah, you this year how old already?"
"i was thinking in my heart, what the hell? i am your daughter and you don't know?!?!"
Then i i choose not to reply him lah. SLIENT.
Then he answer this question himself. 18 years old right september.
Just can't stand him. Always asking those lame questions.
There is even one time, more funny!
I was still sleeping, lazy to get up then he come and say:
" ah mei ah, you next time cannot stay out until so late hor!!! later the police catch you!"
" HUH?, catch for what?" i said.
" those haven't 17 or 16 (can't remember) cannot stay out late outside and the police will catch you."
" WAH LAO, NI ZUO MO? i already going 18 liao leh! catch for what? SIAO!!" i said.
But quite funny also. LOLS.
EFC telephone skills test on tuesday!
Oh anyway, i spent the whole day at home, doing what?
Spend around 3 hours reading memoirns of a geisha.
Can't believe it. It's been a long time since i have spent hours on reading story books.
I was planning to read DA VINCI CODE after this book.
Did not even watch that show lah, didn't get the chance to watch it. HAIZ.
Brother say he is going to buy. faster buy!!!
Thursday, June 15, 2006 @8:25 PM
Alright, my daily rountine starts now.. boring i know, just bear with it!
Same thing, school.
PIE, have been thinking very hard about what to write for the essay, so didn't talk much today.
OFO, feeling hungry, and don't know what teacher is teaching. So forget about it!
Then Mrs Lim say that 30 june' 06 is her CA. sickening! so fast lah? Then say tomorrow got test, ever more worse!! unit 1 to unit 3. wah lao, but i don't intend to study it anyway, feel very tired. MY PANDA EYES! I NEED MY BEAUTY SLEEP! LOLS.
Lunch, noodles again, orange juice [ taste very weird] , nuggets!
THS, went around the classroom with our group and take photos! forgot to bring camera. sorry.
Then EFC, nothing really happened. The computer there sucks!
Headed down to student hub cause got hobbycraft CCA.
Then waited for the teacher to come, so longgggggggg.
Then Me, Sharon, Geokfong, Norita and Cherlynn sit together for hobbycraft.
The teacher pass us 2 scissors and 3 white glues. And gave us some instrustions.
Went back and we do something different, teacher say AIYO U GIRLS CANNOT FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS AH! LOLS.
so funny, kept laughing!
Then we do the correct way but in the end it turn out to be wrong AGAIN! teacher say us again! AI YOU GIRLS JUST CANNOT FOLLOW INSTRUSTION AH!
DAMN funny!
then i say to norita, i think we like the trouble-makers. lols
Then i help sharon to cut the dunno wat paper then sharon say i like her mother like that! help her do things! lols so funny.
Then i say then u never give me anything for mother's day!
Then she say father's days coming !
Then i say okay, call me father then! anyway many of my friends always call me father or grandfather. never get the chance to be the MOTHER.
Then hor, sharon say geokfong like her mother like that!
then i say geokfong my darling!
then we play the stupid game of father mother relationship. so lame and childish.
Then when sharon say thank you papa. i will reply her, NO NEED LAH SON!
She say why son? i say i prefer!
Then after CCA went to j8 eat buy stuff and chatted a little and home.
left bishan at 7pm know? my latest time.
Today went to fairprice to bu something and sharon say Mr. bling is back!
walked pass, cause sharon say take lift lah, but i don't want. but in the end walk to there then waited for a while and take the escalator instead. Mr.bling eyes wasn't so BLING BLING anymore! LOLS. HAIZ.
Anyway, EFC telephone skills CA is on this coming tuesday!!!
I am number 15.
Oh ya, Mrs tahir call me WEE instead of my name. DOTS...
alright, going to bathe and sleep now.
it's only 9pm.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006 @5:16 PM
Today is such a boring day! =(
Had OFO first thing in the morning, but i can't focus at all leh, too tired i guess?
Regret sleeping from 7 pm to 11pm yesterday cause i slept at 3am to 630am? but is like never sleep lah, is like my mind is working and not totally SWITCH OFF!
Drag myself to school lor, bobian.
Then had OFC, so boring!!!! don't really like the B1-06 already. WHY? i don't know.
Then had lunch, ate malay rice an watermelon juice. the rice damn damn a lot. can't finish it anyway. But after finishing the food i went to buy 4 nuggets. feel like eating that.
While eating all of us sat together then watched the make-over show? but i saw the television say MAKE-UNDERS. LOLS!
The angmoh auntie hor, wore a wig, we thought it was her real hair but it wasn't at all!
Cause they pulled it out! That angmoh auntie is like so so so so so STUBBORN!! VERY!
They people have to dragggg her all the way to the place. haiyo.
anyway, they way they pull out her wig is damn disgusting!!! SLOW MOTION SOMEMORE.
Then had THS, and i forgot to bring down my THS file!!!! DAMN IT!
Have to climb all the way up! LEG hurts like helllllllllllllllllllllll!
Then Sharon accompany me up, but when i take out my THS file then want to put back my 2 divideders but i no patience so i just push it in but the ring file was blocking it, then sharon laugh!!!!! then i also laugh!
Then i forgot why all the way down we laughh until like MAD WOMEN. LOLS.
no image! i don't care~ since when i got a good image? LOLS.
laugh until my saliver come out lah!! LOLS. disgusting i know.
Went toilet wash lah.
Then laugh again when go back to the class.
Then last lesson CUC!!
Damn slack! faridah sent me songs and i sent her two.
Headed to j8 again after school, went watson to buy shampoo, then went down to delifrance to buy 2 croissants and 1 FRUIT TART!!!! MY FAVOURITE!!!!!!!
Anyway, don't ever buy the croissants from bishan j8, cause it taste completely different!! weird and not nice at all!
As for the fruit tart i haven try yet.
Anyway, the delifrance service there is two word NOT GOOD!
When they packed everything and pass it to you, they never say THANK YOU AND SEE YOU AGAIN!! maybe don't want the see you again lah, how about thank you? basic manners!!! sickening!
Is not for the counter, is the service people at the floor!
Sharon accidentally knock down 1 NIVEA lotion on to the floor then she look as if like sharon broken a glass or something! then gave those sickening face and look at me also. I STARED back of course!
HELLO, although we are younger than you, doesn't mean that we wouldn't buy anything from your store. anyway it's just a lotion in a ''PLASTIC'' container! NOT SOME GLASS!
Even it is, we can pay for it! don't give us your face to see lah kay, you are scaring the customers from coming into your store!
Singapore customer service is really bad....
Even though it is bad, you should "at least" put on a smile. very simple thing to do yet you can't.
Whatever, skip that topic! it's very frustrating to talk about that.
Today brother having another performance at plaza singapura, he asked me to bring friends go and support but i didn't. Next time perhaps.
My big auntie is coming i guess. hope she don't come. i don't welcome her.
Anyway, who does? LOLS.
@12:28 AM
YO! What's up man?
Today everyone is feeling feel a handicapped person.
All of our legs hurt like hell!
And Sharon told me today cannot drop things cause later must pick back very pain ah, legs also, haha. It's true!
Then after school headed to j8 to meet Felicia tan mei ping.
She wore a damn short SHORTS! If she really got notice the people around here are just looking at her. And i am used to it.! LOLS
Then went to eat at food junction, both of us ate yong tau foo.
Very full, regret eating that, should have spend the money on finger food.
Then went to walk around, Action city saw a handphone strap piglet and winnie the pooh, wanted to buy but hope to find nicer ones. $3.95 only. cheap!
Not like my previous one, i spend alomost $9 i think, rounded up lah. But in the end, drop at don't know where! Sickening. Waste my Ching Ching ( $$ ). LOLS!
Then told felicia that i want to buy the square thing with lotsa of characters like one side is mickey mouse then the other side is donald duck, get the picture of it? YA ! Then in the end decided not to buy it cause after sometime the game make me feel very boring and frustrated.
Then went around bishan j8, then went to the 1st floor where they gt sell fish all that.
Felicia wanted to spend her $30. Don't want to save, don't know why also.
Then saw Guppies, in the end she bought 8 Guppies, 4 male and 4 females.
And a glass container that cost $5.50 and the oxygen balls $8, total $21.50.
She feel very happy about it, anyway she got LOTSA PETS at home! my goodness!
Then i also ate the tako pachi, yucks it taste like GLUE!!
Not really cooked and the taste is like NIAM NIAM?! LOLS.
So i prefer the ones at bugis. More original? haha.
Then walk until around 6 pm like that, headed home by bus.
But something really very funny happened in the bus!! so funny lah.
Took bus 13 and it was crowded so no place to sit plus my leg so pain!
So had to stand up. then when the bus turn my hand grab the pole very hard lah then i told felicia, YOU SEE MY HAND! MY MUSCLE!!! so hard lah!!
Then i ask her touch. lols but when she going to touch i don't let cause very itchy sia, then i laugh and laugh! maybe u think its not funny at all. cause u are not at the situation itself.
Then time to get off to change bus 155. Then when i step down the steps my god!!!! my leg hurts like HELL! Then i give those very pain movement with the ahhhhhhh. lols. then thay felicia thought i fall down! MAD! then we laughhhhhhhh until our tears come out!!
Then in bus 155 i asked her where to buy scented bag? cause i want to put it in locker.
She say Spotlight but i don't like.
Then she say IKEA?
Then i ohhhh, very long never go there! i want to go! when free? tomorrow? but i end school late. thursday i got CCA, then friday maybe, cause maybe she friend have already BOOKED HER! lols. nevermind i will find people to go with me!
I want to eat the hotdog and meat balls.
Never try the meat balls before.
Then shop in IKEA is like damn fun lah! I LIKE!
Then reached home.
And you know what? i slept from 7pm to 11pm then now i think i can't sleep liao. Sian.
Regret sleeping just now. should have tahan!
Ya, then the stupid BenQ website cannot open!!!! WTH?
And now its 1.05am!
Gotta do other things.
Don't miss me. lols
Tuesday, June 13, 2006 @12:23 AM
Same thing again, went school but today morning is different cause i was having diahrreoa.
Actually don't wanna go school but thinking about running alone next week for the 2.4 km seems to be very very weird to me! Like not so many people run together, then very stress lah!
Okay, had CUC in the morning, damn boring getting very sleepy and restless maybe because of MONDAY BLUES? LOLS.
Then PIE, had to pass up the experience essay but i did not even do it and i don't even listen in his class, talk with BK most of the time. But have to hand up tomorrow or thursday, cant be bothered.
Then lunch time!! But hor, today lunch time is my worse nightmare!!
Was eating with my dumpling noodles almost finishing then yihui suddenly say "zihui,your shirt!" Then i HUH HUH HUH!!!!!!!! Then WTF? My blouse was filled with brown POLKA DOTS!! SO MANYYYYY! MY GOD!
Then so sway lah, have to wear Sharon jacket, then is like soo big cause it's guy size.
Then i feel damn HOT WITH IT.
Then we have OFC.
Then S&W= PE.
Had our 5 items first. It was horrible i tell you!!
Was very different in my secondary school.
Well, this is a mixed school mine is a GIRLS school so feel kinda weird.
Sit-ups, pull-ups (this is the horrible one! i only done 1!! LOLS. If i knew that 2 can pass then i would have done 2!! so FAIL! LOLS.)
Shutter run, 12.3 seconds, so slow no difference like last time! but at least i pass!
Standing board jump, pass i think? LOLS.
Sit and reach (MY FAVOURITE!) 41 cm i think, but no need use any effort at all! i like that!
Then had a break, then gather up for briefing about 2.4km. As when we are heading towards the destination, i saw FELICIA TAN MEI PING! So happy lah!
But something bad happened! SHE SMOKE! F HER.
She say she smoked 2 sticks already. I was like wtf? i don't like people to smoke lor.
Its not good for health and a lot lah.
Then she say she smoke only for DE-STRESS ...........DOTS!
This are just excuses! And she say only 2 sticks, i'm not addicted to it!
Ya right?! OF course you are not addicted to it! you have just only started it!
Soon u will keep smoking and smoking and its damn hard for you to stop that bad habit of yours.
Same to people who say that they smoke for social. I don't believe in such answer.
Why? For what? Will your friends look down on you cause you don't smoke? Whatever. don't wish to know the answer.
Just hope she will not smoke again, it's killing you my dear.
Went for the 2.4 km run, think i fail for the 1st time ever.
Sian, think must retake. Whatever.
Then went back school, saw felicia and sokkuan waiting for me, sorry to make you wait.
Then went with Sharon and both of them to makan.
Ate KFC. And headed home.
Damn tired!
Doing project research.
Alright BYE.
Sunday, June 11, 2006 @11:31 AM
HELLO, boring day again!
Alright, chatted with TOK BEE TI in msn just now.
And she told me she have grown fatter!!
She was 80 kg last time now 84 kg. MY GOD!
Then she say she is going "ON DIET"!!
Did i hear it right man?
It's very rare to hear that from a BUTCH MOUTH! haha
Here is the evidence.
waynnie said : "sha gua juz love the way how Constance talk XD" says:
c'b i grow fatter
waynnie said : "sha gua juz love the way how Constance talk XD" says:
Everything takes time. says:
Everything takes time. says:
cb good for u
waynnie said : "sha gua juz love the way how Constance talk XD" says:
84 g
waynnie said : "sha gua juz love the way how Constance talk XD" says:
Everything takes time. says:
Everything takes time. says:
SO FATwaynnie said : "sha gua juz love the way how Constance talk XD" says:
i tat time 80g nia
waynnie said : "sha gua juz love the way how Constance talk XD" says:
c'b lor
Everything takes time. says:
Everything takes time. says:
eat somemore
Everything takes time. says:
waynnie said : "sha gua juz love the way how Constance talk XD" says:
waynnie said : "sha gua juz love the way how Constance talk XD" says:
i wan diet liao
Everything takes time. says:
Everything takes time. says:
did i hear it right
waynnie said : "sha gua juz love the way how Constance talk XD" says:
Everything takes time. says:
waynnie said : "sha gua juz love the way how Constance talk XD" says:
Everything takes time. says:
Everything takes time. says:
Everything takes time. says:
Everything takes time. says:
I GG TO BLOG ON TT!!HAHAHA!So bad right?!
But she doesn't mind, cause i know her well!
After all, i still think that my friends are the BEST!!!
Its not that new friends are not good.
I mean if you are lucky enough, you will definately get new friends that are good.
I am not so lucky, i only manage to get a few good friends in ITE.
So my advice is, make more friends while you are still studying in secondary school, cause after leaving secondary school, you will still contact with them.
The outside world is completely different.
There are many types of people that we can't judge them by its cover.
What else can we do? FACE THE FACT !
We don't depend on these people to live, we only depend on those people who are worth your time.
The world is realistic.
Face the fact or live your life miserable.
Lastly, to my true friends out there.
You should know who you are!
Saturday, June 10, 2006 @12:05 PM
Woke up around 10 am today.
Used the net.
Reading my friends blog, then link to eunice.
Saw a video about DA VINCI CODE, quite funny. go watch it! not watch DA VINCI CODE yet.
But going to watch on tuesday, finally lah!
Alright, done a tickle test today.
There's my results. I'm a phoenix! LOL
You go, girl! Like a Phoenix, the beautiful, soaring bird that represents vision and a thirst for life, your quest for adventure never dies. Whether parading around in a flashy, red dress at your next party, volunteering to tutor kids in reading, or signing up for a photography class, you possess a natural creativity and curiosity that guarantees a life filled with all sorts of exciting twists and turns.People around you marvel at your energy — how is it that you're able to whiz through a jam-packed day, rush to your kickboxing class, and then still feel lively enough to hang with friends and family? Just chalk it up to your undying love of life. You've never met a challenge you didn't like — even when it comes to romance. No one can resist your diva-like charms, not even that scorching crush who leaves everyone else weak in the knees. Chances are that with your confidence and radiance, you have plenty of invitations to movie dates and nights out with the girls. So go to it, Phoenix. The world needs more people like you!
Abit true i think? Whatever~!
Can't wait for the class outing! BBQ!
Anyone got tasty BBQ chicken wings recipe?
Kay lah, it's getting boring here.
Friday, June 09, 2006 @11:07 PM
Today is a VERY VERY GOOD DAY for me in school!
The first time i felt so damn happy!
Went school, wake up abit late and i do my stuff very slowly.
Then Sharon wait for me at Bishan control station, like most of the time she wait for me.
Out of 10 i think i only wait for her once? Or maybe not even? Feel damn bad about it.
I will try to wait for you next time. =D
Then today as usual, small rain then no assembly, damn good! cause most of the time the WHOEVER always will drag the time and nag and nag. But quite funny. Cause she will say those late-comers attending her funeral!
OMG! Forgot to post something like that. last time lah.
So funny can. I think my school is damn cool lah. cause that time she ask the school some questions and the school people all say the oppsite answer. SO COOL!
hahahahahaha, whatever~
Ya i continue...
Then accompany Sharon go staff room take regsister. As usual, i stanf outside to tie my hair looking at the reflection, after tieing went in the staff room to find Sharon cause after tieing hair very hot. Want some cool air mah. Haha
Then after that went cobra cove for EFC.
Then after shifting here and there cause of the rain.
Then went in the whatever room that look like an office.
Then Faridah was the first one to get tested.
Then i thought i am the last, but then i was after Faridah, scare the hell of me tell you.
Then my heart was like beating damn damn fucking fast lah, then so scare until like my heart going to drop out from my bloody mouth. OMG so scary. and i am being so vulgar here. haha.
Then so fast "RING RING!`~"
Then pick up the phone lor, so while i was talk to Mrs tahir, my heart beat until i can hear myself. Then when Mrs tahir asked me how she can address me i said Miss Wee instead of my name, Zihui.
Then half way through i am not scare anymore, i have the heck care attitude. I mean the way i hold the phone, like talking to my friend. i hold the phone by my nexk and one hand resting ther other hand writing.
Wah THEN finally FINISH!!!! YAY!!!
Then walk towards Mrs tahir, damn freaking scare when walking towards there, thought i did badly!
But the outcome is that she looked at me then she smile lah, and said i did a very good job! wah then i cannot believe lah. Then she say i got 95 marks.!! MY GOD i happy untilllllllllllll my tears ran down lah, don't know for what sia? Damn happy lah for the first time in my entire life! Seriously! Then i walk back lah, the feeling ROCKS!!!!!!!!!
Cause personal reasons. haha
Then after EFC is OFO.
Got test.
Studied so hard for the Debit and Credit note but in the end NEVER COME OUT!
Then got the payment voucher, and pay-in slip, never study that lah but never mindi know a bit.
Went staff room again.
YAY, next week is not Sharon do attendence.
Then headed down to Bishan j8, find food!
But most of the seats are occupied.
So sian. Then don't like to wait.
So went to BEST DENKI! to look for brochure for the OFC project. Only manage to get a few only. Better than nothing.
Then after that, went to KFC to eat BUDDY MEAL!
Then after that went down B1 NTUC fairprice.
Mr.Bling not there anymore i think, always is old auntie. Sian~
Then went around fairprice looking out for the class outing!
Me and Sharon can't wait for the day to come sia.
So damn excited about it~!
Then we see things oh ya must buy this and that blahhhhhhhh.
After that, headed home, and damn it lah, waited for the bus sooooo damn long. SIAN HALF HALF.
then used the net for a while then tingyi called me.
Chat until disconnect then connect again then offline again cause quite tired.
Then chat with tingyi cause Idris got meeting then tingyi alone in the office wait, then i accompany her talk.
But until around 5.20pm, i doze off halfway
Then she keep HELLO-ING then some more i think i in dreams liao.
But heard someone callling me lah, then i huh?
Then she ask me why NO SOUND?
Then i say OH I DOZE OFF! haha
Then she ask me go sleep but i don't want cause later she lonely wait for Idris.
But in the end put down phone lah cause i TABULEH TAHAN.!
Sleep until 8 plus. Bathe, tv, and here i am.!
Alright, heard from Mrs Lim today the world cup start.
None of my business anyway~~
I don't watch. So stupid to see one pathetic ball being kicked around and having so many people chasing after it.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006 @10:24 PM
So long never blog already.
Very lazy.
Quite a lot of things happened during these few days.
Feeling down, no mood to be like last time.
And what's the reason? i don't know.
Will i become what i am last time?
Think today i have started to drag myself to school.
Not like last month, whereby i just feel like going to school to see my friends.
Things have changed. People changed too. Getting to know more about them.
Everything takes time, to figure out a particular thing that u want to find out.
Today, i was late for school for 2 hours.
Can't wake up, and i drag myself to school like when i was in secondary school.
Reach school, Sharon and cheryln helped me to take my files, thanks!
But when i go in for OFC, Cheryln say that she can't find my speed drill file.
And i told is in the locker, she say don't have. And i said have. Then i cant be bothered about it, lost then lost lah, what's the big deal?
Then had OFC test, quite easy anyway.
Then before the test, Mrs Ghafar asked me why am i so late for school today? i said i overslept. She asked if i am working? And i reply no. Then why cannot wake up? then SLIENCE!
Then she speak to me personally lah about my late coming all that, this totally sucks! It's like the time is turning back to my secondary school time, whereby i was always called up by teachers to ask why am i late, why never come school BLAHHHHHHH...sickening!!
Hope that the history will not repeat itself. I HATE IT!!
Then Mrs Ghafar say if i am late one more time have to meet parents liao. DOTS LAH.
Then during lunch time me and Sharon ate malay food, one ''HOR BAO DAN'' and watermelon juice. Damn full! Can't finish it.
While waiting for the watermelon at the fruit stall, told Sharon about what happened to me during midnight. I think got Ghost press on me lor, seriously! i was damn bloody scared lah! Then i pray the Soka ..... Then boonkiat ask what's that? And i said it's a japanese god, something like that, Soka Association lah. Then he say he also from soka! Then i damn SHOCK LAH! Found another person same religion as me. Quite hard to find actually.
Then asked him whether if he got go for the lessons, he same as me never go one.
Haha. Wondering still got anymore same religion as me in this school?
Okay, hmm.. Then thinking skills today not fun like last time.
saved the gay pictures for Kanghao. He's not a gay anyway, just that i like to make fun of him and Boonkiat.
Then had CUC, discuss the role plat with Sharon and finally finish the Draft. And pass up to Mr Yeo ( Kanghao fav) haha!
Then today never go eat or what, don't know why.
So went home straight away.
Reached home damn fast and early, around 4.30pm.
Then online, then nap a little while then bathe then TV then blog then doing EFC then
Good night!
Hope tomorrow is going to be a better day for me!
Saturday, June 03, 2006 @5:55 PM
My toe nail BROKE! All thanks to a remote control.
The feeling totally SUCKS kay!
So pain in the first place.
It knock onto something.
Thanks ah, remote control. =(
Did not went out today, no ching ching $$ how to go out?
Stayed at home and ROT!.
Wake up in the morning because of some blue tooth message.
Please ah people, don't ever message me in the morning, especially saturday and sunday.
Don't interupt my sleep!!
To make it clear enough, i am not a early bird!
I sleep late and i wake up late, around afternoon.
So PLEASEEEE!!! don't do that to me!
Okay, whatever.
Haven't been blogging for the last few days.
The teachers now all very good, all give us project all at one time.
Very headache about forming groups.
Think going to turn mad soon together with Sharon.
If you know what we mean.
Hope we will be able to survive.
There's nothing for me to blog.
So bye now.