Thursday, March 16, 2006 @7:02 PM

Happy birthday joyce~!
Went teo heng again.
this time, we celebrate joyce and winnie birthday together.
The jie meis.haha
This time we like sang KTV for 6 hours.
Damn bloody long.
After that went hong kong cafe to eat.
Then went back to katong shopping centra play bowling then Home Sweet Home.
Took a few pics with winnie phone.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006 @8:55 AM

Hello,yesterday was 6 March'o6 and we went to celebrate winnie's birthday.i made a chilled cheesecake like what i have mention in previous post.BUT i did not make the miso soup for her.Cause how to bring it to KTV?it must be serve hot then very nice.Anyway,my cheesecake was not awful kay?it was nice!haha there's a picture of it.look nice huh?haha.but the cheesecake eat too much very SIAN of it.haha.and very fatterning too!
Then after when they saw the cake they wanted the cake for their birthday also.some want strawberry...blahh.i think i shouldd open a small business selling that huh?it's not easy to make okay,your hands will pain like hell lor.haha,if i have a businnes like that i can earn not much too.cause the ingrediants cost me around $30 plus?then my energy all that leh..haha so is expensive kay.its not about the ingredients money,its my energy,my effort,my sincere!haha,LAME!
So we went to Teo heng again to sing song.haha,we love to go there cause cheap mah.haha.CHEAPOS!hahah.then kaixin and xinyuan reach first but they went to play MAPLE AT LAN they don't want to meet winnie first.Then when i reach i thought they have already met winnie in the KTV.But they never lor,kanasai.haha then i went in the room only saw winnie and her boyfriend, we sing song lor.then finally the both of them "SHER DE LAI LIAO" (finally willing to come) haiyo,want to faint lah.then we sing song until wendy and ken arrive.
Haha,then we always want to DEE SIAO kaixin whenever she singing her ANGMOH songs.hahaha by rejecting it halfway singing.hahaha cause there is one time where we also at KTV then she sing her ANGMOH song then we reject it by accident then he scold us sooooooooooooooooooooo LOUD!haha then we got a shock !BUT DAMN FUCKING FUNNY LAH!she scold" WAH LAU EH!YOU ALL VERY WHAT LOR!REJECT MY SONG FOR WHAT?LATER ALL YOU ALL THE CHINESE SONGS LEH.LET ME SING FINISH MY ENGLISH SONG LAH!I ALSO DUN SING CHINESE SONGS."haha then everyone give a very very weird face and look at her.anyway,she also does sing chinese songs just that not as much as we do.hahah somemore her chinese songs is all those HIGH HIGH NOTES!!!wah lau, on that day we all purposely wait for her to sing until very INTO IT then reject it!hahaha just to see her reaction.haha so funny can.haha .
Then finally is about to cut the cake i made for winnie! cause going to 12 midnight,don't want to miss her birthday mah.then like that lor i have post some pics lah,so that's all the pictures that we took!so little i know cause no one bring camera only use winnie handphone K-710i. it's quite good!haha.hmm,then ah don't know what really happen lah,then winnie gone mad i think!lolx then she pull my pants lehh!!wah lau,then like can already see my panty lah!somemore got guy leh!! haiyo,if all girls then nevermind lah.haiz then i want to go but she keep pulling,then in the end don't know who pull away her hand then i walk away to the pillar THEN I CRY!!!hahahah...then she come and console me lah,so paiseh can!!! haiyo! then when i crying half way my song come already ZHEN MING TIAN ZI! then i take the microphone and try to sing BUTTTTTT MY VOICE CHANGE... you know lah when u cry, then your voices change.yup then like that lor.haha
After that something SERIOUS happened.! which is wendy and xinyuan quarral!! OH MY GOD LAH! so damn scary.this is what exactly happened.............
This xinyuan don't know use what kind of voice to sing a song then wendy don't like then ask her don't sing like that then don't know what the hell that happen,then wendy go out of the room don't know for what, i forgot.then she came in and she don't know why throw her slipper on xinyuan then xinyuan take her bag and cover then she BU XIAO XIN hit the microphone on xinyuan's hands and it hit onto xinyuan's nose . THEN THEY BEGAN TO SO CALLED AS ''FIGHT''. SO SCARY. Then we ask xinyuan go out of the KTV room so they can calm themselves down. Then i accompany xinyuan to the toilet. on our way there xinyuan ask me to see whether her chin there got scar anot, cause she scare. then i help her check lor then like don't have lah but got blood in her nose! then i ask her lift up your head higher , then i saw the blood in her nose is like gushing out lah then i say EH FASTER RUN TO THE TOILET, THE BLOOD IN YOUR NOSE IS LIKE GUSHING OUT..FASTER GO TO THE TOILET!
Then after a while wendy came in with KEN. then try to solve the problem then don't know why suddenly both of them fight in the toilet again! dots..then i was outside the toilet lah,ken close the funny, then people thought why i want to go the toilet but can't go in like that. then after a while winnie came cause we were out soo long..then me and winnie go into the toilet then winnie want xinyuan and wendy to apologise to each other then xinyuan say sorry then wendy say sorry but the tone is like...aiya if you know her,thats the way she speak what.haha then in the end they okay le lah, i forgotten how lah..hahah so details for what??
After that was around 1am+ then we walk to five star chicken rice cause i want to eat chicken rice! haha then we eat finish then HOME BALI HOME!!` Hope winnie is happy that day.