Wednesday, June 29, 2005 @4:08 AM
Did not went to school again,cause after the medicine i ate i feel very very weak.but i'm going to school tomorrow.had miss alot of lessons already.heard from yizhi that i have change place.i dun think i still sitting with ibtisam,haiz miss sitting next to her lah.we laugh at stupid things funny!small things we also laugh,haha.hmm,nothing much to type so BYE!
Monday, June 27, 2005 @3:15 AM
I didn't went to school today.why?because i fall sick lah.but i think most of the people will think is i pontang school lah.confrim want,even the teacher will also think that too.whatever lah~anyway i also hafen finish my holiday homework have to start finish it.maybe jus anyhow do lah better then blank right?haiyo feeling so uncomfortable now.i also dunno whether tomorrow i'm going to school anot,have to see whether i'm feeling better anot.
Nothing to type already ,Bye lah!
Wednesday, June 22, 2005 @6:00 AM
Should i go or i shouldn't i go for camp?ruijuan is not going but how about xinyan?is she going?shall call her later.if i'm going,i think i'm going to bring all my homework there to do.haha weird huh?so that my friends can help me if i dunno how to do mah.
hahaha,yesterday night so funny can,my brother go and see all my photos that taken on the drumming festival then he saw janice standing up peeeeee..haha even my mother also saw!THEY GOT A SHOCK!so paiseh lehhh...then my mother ask me why i go to the GENTS?ahhaha then i explain to her lah..i think my brother and my mother think i'm BIANTAI LAH!hahahah so funny,their facial expression soo funny.can't stop laughing.if you want to see that picture that janice standing up peeing,go to my photo albums okae?got all the pictures we took on the drumming festival.
Didn't went out today,no one ask me out and i also dun feel like going out.haiz dun think my holiday homework can finish on time!soooooooooooo many cannnnnnnnn..can i extend the june holiday?so boring~school's going to open soon,5 more days,yucks!have to wake up early again!boring life lah!
alright,shall stop.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005 @2:05 PM
Went to bugis with sokkuan,janice and felicia.very fun cause we took alot of pictures.mad ahh~after taking neoprints and some photos using camera sokkuan and felicia sad ehh.then me and janice went to buy umbrella then i bring her to a shop*Monster-ice.then we order mango with sherbet milk snow ice,wahhhhh so nice lehhh~this was my 2nd time eating at that shop.then after that when we eat the first mouth,suddenly feel very happy and i tell janice eat this mango with sherbet milk snow ice like got CHU LIAN DE GAN JUE HOR?then she also think so haha..when we finish the mango sherbet with milk snow ice..we sit there for some time then i ask janice whether want to eat another bowl then she say okae!OMG! we are addicted to it!it's so niceee.then the second bowl we eat the mixed fruits with sherbet milk snow ice.but i feel very full already but still eat lah.haiz,still thinking about the drumming festival,still cannot believe that it's over~
aiya dunno what to type already,shall stop here
Monday, June 20, 2005 @7:30 AM
i miss drumming~so saddddd
Sound Shapes Rocks!
Saturday, June 18, 2005 @6:20 PM
This are some of the photos that i have taken over these few days of drumming festival.

IT'S OVER!IT'S OVER!IT'S OVER!drumming festival is over!!so sadd.but today was sooooo FUNNNN!!so happy today,but why must it end so fast?haizz..
alright,today our lunch was ok~better than the last few days,then our dinner was much much better,but it was too bland.everytime had my lunchbox with packet chilli sause..haha so weird right?normally people eat the rice wif sliced chilli,but we eat with packet chilli sause.haha when we eat our dinner today is like so noisy,the guys are so irritating can't they just stop playing the music?and let us enjoy our LAST MEAL?HAIYO~
Today my friends help me tie my hair,thanks alot~really really enjoy myself today la!no words can describe how i feel all that.i think it's a waste to those people who never join the drumming festival,soo much fun eventhough i's tiring.if there's another drumming festival during november/december holidays,i will join.if is next year then i have to see whether i can pass my N level to go to sec 5.
Oh ya~Janice went to the gents today!haha and took a picture at there.haha actually is not gents la at that point of time.they used that gents as ladies toilet,so we went in then took some pictures.haha mad huh?during the performance,i talk to geokling then so funny can,i say tanah merah become bukit timah.haha i say soo many times then so funny.then i think got influence geokling cause when we was waiting for the bus all that,she say tanah merah become BUKIT merah.hahahahha so funny.maybe you will not find this funny but to me and maybe geokling it's really funny.
alright,shall stop here.
Friday, June 17, 2005 @5:51 PM
Hey today is really really DAMN DAMN FUNN!!!!!!!!!i enjoy myself todayy!!
tomorrow it's the last day already....*sob* =(..
gotta go sleep!
Thursday, June 16, 2005 @4:50 PM
Winnie and me went to parkway and we took some photos in U2.

heyyy!!it's a tiring and FUN today!but so sad it's going to be over~haiz,why??i think by doing all this can make me slim down manz if everyday also like that play fun can eventhough i am very tired.dunno why this 2 days i very tired leh.the food that they provide us is HORRIBLE i tell you!hoho,yucks!
today i very bad you know,cause when we get our food and started to eat,i turned and look at the people on the other table,HAHAHA i keep laughing at them because ahh they eat the food until very miserable leh,like they force themselves to eat then their face expression sooo funny.haha i know i very baddd but really very funny,maybe to me only.*Beat my mouth*
tomorrow it's the 3rd day already.haiz so fast end!my friend,husna lost 2kg during the durmming festival!OMG!so good can~i wonder whether i got lose any kg anot.aiya whatever la,got to go and sleep already if not tomorrow really cannot concentrade on the rythm all that.
@12:10 PM
Today is the first day of drumming festival,so hard can,i cannot get the rythm right.i just anyhow play scary and fun but when we reach the hall 1 to 2 hours is like so boring?make me feel like dozing off right away cause never sleep well the last night.maybe because i was too excited?haha can't believe it manz!
My lips is being hit by the instrument.then it bleed in the middle of the training,so paiseh's my 1st time that my lip bleed.i think is swollen also.but it's okae lar.3 more days to go,and it's over!the 1st day of training is already very stress,haiyo.nothing to say already.
Sunday, June 12, 2005 @6:23 PM
HELLO!it's been a long time since i last update this blog.boring lar,so nothing to usual,i went to work today,i work from 12pm to 1.30am,13 hours 30 mins.can you believe it?OH YA!when we are ready to go home that time,we have change into our home clothes about to take the lift,i stand there and thinking about my money!i forgot to put my hard-earned money into my wallet!!!OMG!i was like oh man!shit!where the hell did i put my money?ohhhh then i remember that i put in my shirt the pocket,then i went to search for it!HENG AH!still there..but i lost my $1,aiya only $1,small thing lar,heng not my hard-earned money.
Today ah i think i talkkkk a lot ehh!keep talking and talking,non-stop eh.think i was in a good mood lar.haha mad right?i also dunno why i like that leh today.HAIYO! you know ah`today my table guests ah,sucks big time CAN???they keep changing place ehhhhhhhhh,is not the same people on the table change seats ehhh,is like their sitting arrangement is like keep changing,new people come and go!!!IDIOT LEH!make me like change their chinese tea-cups how many times?i think is 2 times.then the soft drinks all that?WAH!they think i so free ah?then i so good lor,i don't want them to drink the tea from other people saliva then i went there and say :'erm,excuse me,can i clear this tea-cup away?i don't think it's yours right?' then you know wat?they say IT'S THEIRS!!
then i was like HUH?ARE YOU SURE?i can remember who sit where and wat they drink lor.but i said it inside my heart lar.aiya since they like can't be bothered with me,then they go and drink some other people saliva lar,you think i care?sorry i don't!cause you guys don't believe me what?WHY SHOULD I BOTHER?i think i'm very mean leh,but really what,they give those answers to me,what can i do?FORCE THEM AH?cannot be right?i think they enjoy drinking some ah pek or uncles saliva,YUCKS!
Well,i just don't understand why some people cannot get my name right or some don't even remember my name.i'm not trying to say anything bad or what,is just that i don't get it.haiz,it's late nowww,i wanna sleep already!now it's 4.20am!!
alright,shall stop here.