Wednesday, April 13, 2011 @2:34 AM
Your iPersonic Type: The Sensitive Doer
Sensitive Doers are gentle, modest and reserved persons. They cope well with everyday life and like their privacy. With their quiet, optimistic nature, they are also good, sought-after listeners and other people feel well in their company. All in all, this type is the most likeable and friendliest of all personality types. Tolerance and heir regard for others distinguish their personality. They are very caring, generous and always willing to help. They are open to and interested in everything that is new or unknown to them. However, if their inner value system or their sense of justice is hurt, Sensitive Doers can suddenly and surprisingly become forceful and assertive.
Sensitive Doers enjoy the comforts life offers to the full. They are very happy in everyday life. Sensitive Doers are often gifted artists or very good craftsmen. Creativity, imagination and an especially keen perception are just a few of their strong points. Sensitive Doers are very presence-oriented; long-term planning and preparations do not appeal to them. They take life as it comes and react flexibly to daily demands. They do not like too much routine and predictability. Their talents come more to the fore when work processes are variable and there are not so many rules. Sensitive Doers like to work alone; if they are part of a team, they do not get involved in competitive or power games and prefer living and working together harmoniously and openly.
Your type, although belonging to the introverted doers, is also the most amiable and friendly in his dealings with others of all types. This special combination is the reason for your great flexibility. It enables you to work excellently and contently on your own to suit any situation, but also achieve extraordinary popularity and professional satisfaction as a member of a team. Here the precondition is a friendly, collegiate environment characterized by harmony and mutual respect.
You need a working environment without intrigue or political manipulation, and with the least possible deployment of elbows. Cooperation rather than confrontation, should be the order of the day. Colleagues as well as superiors equally appreciate your unassuming, congenial nature and your unbelievable sensitivity plus your attentive and generous ways toward others. In your presence, people simply have to be comfortable; you are not competition oriented, whatsoever.
You are almost limitlessly tolerant and always prepared to accept others as they are. As a consequence, you very rarely have problems getting along with different people. The only exception: when your private value system is hurt or you notice injustice somewhere. In that case, you can react quite forcefully but even in the most heated dispute you always try to argue respectfully and fairly.
Therefore it is very important that your work is compatible with your (high) values and ideals. In the long term, it is not satisfactory to just do any job with the sole objective of finding money in your account at the end of the month. You need the feeling of being able to totally identify yourself with your job, and to fully support whatever it is that you do every day. Ideally, your usually more practically- than theoretically-oriented activity provides you with tangible results. Then you can walk home at night feeling that you made the world just a little bit better than it had been in the morning - preferably for another human being.
Another important element is your wish to grow through your activities and to learn something new every day. You want to be challenged not just in your professional capacity, but also as an entire human being. Appreciation by others is not entirely unimportant to you. In spite of all your mental independence, you appreciate receiving positive feedback. Therefore, make sure that your work environment provides regular feedback that will continuously acknowledge your qualities. If these conditions are met, you will be a perfectly loyal and usually above-average engaged collaborator who is totally dedicated to his job and often able to deliver spectacular performances.
I find it so true! omg. lols.
Friday, March 18, 2011 @3:12 AM
Read about the News of Japan, tsunami. Feel so sad for them and all the living things. Hope that God will lessen his punishment for the Human Beings in this Earth, though there are many sins committed by us, the human beings.
Just now saw the video about the dogs, feel so sad for them. Then i got to read about this true story happened in 2004 in Japan after an earthquake. Felt so extremely sad and touched. Shall copy and paste for my future reference.
A Tale of Mari and Three Puppies..
On the fateful morning of October 23, 2004, a dog named Mari gave birth to three puppies in Yamakoshi Village, Niigata Prefecture, Japan. That evening, a severe earthquake struck Niigata and devastated the Village, causing almost all of its homes to collapse, including the one where Mari lived. During the quake the newborn puppies were jolted away from their mother, and since their eyes were still closed, they could not find their way back to her side. Also, because she was bound by a leash, Mari could not reach her babies. She tried repeatedly to pull free from the leash, but to no avail. Then, several tremors occurred and Mari tried even harder to break free until her neck began to bleed. Suddenly, another strong aftershock struck, Mari struggled with all her might, and the collar suddenly came loose. Next she quickly picked up her puppies, moved them to a safe place, and without taking a rest ran toward the ruins that were once her house.
The grandfather of Mari’s family was home alone that day. He lived on the second floor, but suffered from a neurological disorder that made it impossible for him to stand on his feet or climb the stairs unassisted. After the earthquake, the old man was immobilized as he had been trapped beneath a wardrobe. Aftershocks and the total darkness resulting from a power outage pushed him into desperately thinking that death might be around the corner. Just then, Mari appeared in his room on the second floor and looked at him with encouraging eyes. The grandfather had been slipping into unconsciousness, but when he saw Mari he regained awareness although he was still immobilized. Mari then licked him to give him encouragement and went downstairs several times to check on her pups before quickly returning to the man’s room. She ran back and forth many times even though her paws had been injured by the sharp-edged glass and pieces of porcelain that lay all over the floor. Each trip gave her new wounds, but Mari managed to kindle new hope in the grandfather’s heart, and looking at Mari he thought, “I must live on. I cannot give up,” Finally, he pushed at the wardrobe with all his strength, it gave way and he managed to free himself. Then with Mari's encouragement, the grandfather spent two hours climbing down the stairs—a feat he had previously been unable to accomplish without help. Upon reaching the ground floor, he was happy to find that the three puppies were safe and sound.
After the October 23, 2004 earthquake Yamakoshi Village was in a state of total destruction and isolation as all local roads had been cut off. And with a continuous series of aftershocks increasing the danger of landslides, on October 25 all the villagers were evacuated by helicopter to a nearby accommodation center. Under these circumstances, the grandfather was forced to leave Mari behind for in times of disaster saving human lives is the main concern. He left all of his pet food for his beloved dog, prayed that she and her pups would be safe and took off her collar. Then, with no other options, as he boarded the helicopter to leave behind the one who had saved his life, he said with guilt and sadness, "I’m very sorry, Mari," and felt heart-broken as Mari howled in deep sorrow.
As time passed and her supply of rations ran out, Mari had to search for food in her abandoned village, suffering many ordeals as she tried to protect her little puppies. All the while the grandfather thought of her constantly, and with anxiety over the continuing tremors fell ill and had to be hospitalized. Then two weeks after the evacuation, the villagers were allowed to return to Yamakoshi to see their homes. Among the returnees was the man’s son, who immediately began to search for Mari. Upon finding her, he noticed that she was much thinner, and she hesitated for an instant after hearing her name but then dashed toward him. He held her close in his arms for a long time. Mari had not had enough food for herself, but she fed her babies milk and took care of them as well as she could. In contrast to their skinny mother, the three puppies looked chubby and healthy as they slept sweetly on the porch. The son was delighted to see the little pups growing up in good health.
Before Yamakoshi Village was reconstructed, the villagers remained in temporary housing in a neighboring city. Being in charge of advertising affairs for the village committee, the son was a busy man so he placed Mari and her puppies in the care of another family. When the grandfather was still in the hospital, Mari's caretaker took her to visit him. Thus, after undergoing countless trials, Mari and the old man were finally reunited. Mari was very happy to see the man, who was recuperating and said with quivering lips and tears filling his eyes, "Thank you for saving my life."
Then in April 2005 the grandfather was discharged from the hospital and began living with his son and Mari in an apartment. By that time Mari's three puppies had been adopted by other families and were growing up healthily in their new homes. Today, the grandfather and his family are still living in the apartment but look forward to returning soon to Yamakoshi Village.
Mari’s touching story, which illustrates the mutual trust and love between humans and animals that helps them through ordeals, has frequently been reported in the news media and has also been adapted as an illustrated storybook — Mari of Yamakoshi Village and Her Three Pups. The book has received a huge response in Japan and serves as a great inspiration for disaster victims. The company that published the volume is contributing part of its sales revenues to the reconstruction and relief funds for areas affected by the October 2004 earthquake, and distributes the book free of charge to children in Yamakoshi Village and its thirteen neighboring cities.
On August 2, 2005, the villagers held a fireworks celebration in their city of refuge just as they do in their home town each year, and this year event was entitled “Fireworks for Mari.” While participating in the festivity they wished that Yamakoshi Village could be recovered as quickly as possible. Amid the dazzling light and smoke of the fireworks, Mari's radiant smile seemed to fill the night sky, bringing hope and encouragement to the spectators.
Last but not least, i miss my Dog, Ah Boy.
Sunday, February 13, 2011 @8:15 PM
i saw it, knew it, predicted, and im right.
worst thing is, you wore my favorite shirt and took pic.
what prisca feel is all wrong.
you ask cause you are guilty of doing it to me.
you are so cruel and i dont understand you anymore.
thanks and bye.
Wednesday, February 09, 2011 @3:15 PM
hello air.
got a worst nightmare ever.
Never had this kind of nightmare before.
So scary.
i thought the scariest nightmare is the Tsunami but now seems like got another one.
its all about _____________.
So many things happened.
im like so lost.
hope to find an answer like soon.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010 @2:17 AM
At some point you will realize that you have done too much for someone or something, that the only next possible step to do is to stop.
Leave them alone.
Walk away.
It’s not like you’re giving up, and it’s not like you shouldn’t try.
It’s just that you have to draw the line of determination from desperation.
What is truly yours would eventually be yours, and what is not, no matter how hard you try, will never be.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010 @2:17 AM
alright, how do you consider a person as your friend?
what is a friend to you?
do you make friend with them because you have a motive behind it?
how much things can you do for your friend?
god, the world is really scary as time passes by.
where is all the innocent, naive, pure love?
we start to realise that, all this simplest things are the hardest things to get as we grow old.
Soon, it will vanish.
And then, welcome to the reality world!
I wont be like this.
I'm sure i wont do this to my friends.
When you are expose to a new enviroment with different types people.
You starts to change, thinking starts to change, things change, so complicating things start to come.
Why does people always want to make their life so complicating when its not?
All because of Temptations, Greed, one moment of satisfaction....blah blah blah the list goes on.
By allowing all this to come into you, you lose something.
I can still say that i'm the same old me.
I'm easily contented.
And im wiser in choosing my circle of friends.
So many thoughts running through my mind after i came back from msia.
It makes me weak, negative.
Its so tiring.
I only have myself to depend on.
No one to depend on already when im tired or lost.
Today, i really want to thank this person that mean so much to me.
For telling me, whats right and wrong.
For teaching me, so many things, countless.
For letting me realising so many things after you left.
I'm really grateful to have you once before.
Thank you.
PS, by the way let me say something random. just now i saw a guy opposite my block bathing naked. *puke.Goodnight.
Give me some love!
Friday, December 17, 2010 @1:53 AM
Hello to the Air!
i really hope is just air.
like a corner of my own.
i ever wondered to myself if you will ever come to visit my blog.
i don't know if you remembered my blog URL.
Maybe you do, and so you read on and continue to laugh at me. Because you ever told me last time you read what i post and you find it funny when im not happy about you. Just a laughing stock to you once before. what about now?
Maybe you don't ever bother to remember that i do have a blog.
I thought that going to genting and KL can let me put all my memories behind me and come back to be a new person when im back, but i can say, no it didn't.
I don't know if you are happy with your life now anot, but i really hope you are happy now.because somehow when i see a post that you are not happy or sad or whatever, i just feel not happy inside me. i don't know why i feel this way. And i know that whether if you are happy or not , right now, its none of my business. But! its so stupid to let go and sometimes thinking that you are not happy (by yr post). Cause i thought leaving me, you will be happier.
Dreams. im having dreams again.
i don't know if this time it will come true anot.
but..i'll just leave it.
alright, this should be enough. let me share about what i have been doing lately.
hmm, i went meditation, accompanying tingyi. Also to get to know about meditation.
I like the activities more than meditation!
Cause She do many cards reading. those really short ones.
some are quite true. haha!
two days back, i went to the meditation for the 2nd time, we had this Aura-soma (its like colours reading, to get to understand more about yrself)
when i chose 2 colours that attracts me and get to know the answers, its very true! the 1st one i forgot what it really talks about but i only remember the 2nd one, which is talking about im a man & woman. i can be both. manly or womanly (dont want to use girly!,sounds so?!?!?) haha!
i dont know how to explain over here. But its interesting! For people who are stress, can go for meditating to calm yourself and yr mind. Not expensive, affortable. Just $15 for 2 hour session. Moreover, the group only like 5 to 6 people the most? But dont anyhow go meditation. heard abt cults and all that. eeeeeeeeeee. scary! so scared now, feel like shitting. haha!
hmm, things isn't going well between me and colleagues. but shall see how it goes.
Very tired already. update again.
Good night! =)
Friday, November 26, 2010 @1:36 AM
its just so strange.
can't wait for 9 december.
wanna get out of here so badly.
where am i now? i don't know.
Can't seem to find something back.
like something is missing in myself.
you changed already.
are you happy now?
Friday, October 29, 2010 @1:23 AM
you turn me off totally.
so sick.
what are you trying to do this time round?
so sick in the brain and pain in the ass.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010 @2:27 AM
im tired.
physically and mentally.
nevermind, i will walk this path all by myself.
since no one support me in whatever i do.
but i know my friends support me.
maybe some. or just a few.
i feel so sick and tired.
i really wish i can close his case tomorrow.
i really wish i can have some blessings to close that case.
to give me the confident and motivation to carry on.
its really okay if my family members dont give me the support.
ah fuck lah.
since when did i ever get support from people close to me.
i mean really close ones.
one by one leaving.
why not you try how i feel.
no one will really understand how my heart feels.
i can say im strong already.
i need some strength from some supernatural power really.
too much, its too much.
i like wang lee hom.
haha so random.
xin tiao the song so nice.
so many nice one.
"how many question mark can two hearts have?
how much tears have we shed for the thing called LOVE?"
Sunday, October 24, 2010 @4:08 PM
it hurts suddenly.
have you feel it before?
pain that can leads to numb?
Mum on the phone with father's sister-in-law, talking about my father's death.
Now then they get to know that the fact is my father is dead.
what is family? why must hide? hide the fact that my father is dead.
and why must come and ask about him now when he is going to be dead for 2 years.
i may seem okay when my father passed away, but im not. Same to my dog. Same to her.
if you know me well, sometimes i just have to put on an act.
so painful.
have you experience it before?
less than 2 years, your father passed away, next your beloved dog and next your loved one leave you?
you think im made from what? metal?
I dont dare to think about it.
Cause i dont want to feel it inside.
Am i not strong enough?
Its too much.
Sometimes, i hope someone can come and save me.
i thought, you at least will be there for me.
You said you will. But you left.
You gave me another pain to endure.
I'm not hoping you to come back.
So much pressure.
Thinking back to ite life, FUCK YOU MISS CHONG.
heartless teacher.
I wont forget what you said to me when my father passed away.
fuck you really.
forcing me to say when i dont want to say, saying things to me when you know its hurt so bad.
i believe this blog, no one is reading it.
Cause im gone for so long and back.
3 years i guess.
its good, cause this is where i can write how i actually feeling.
All i want now is to be happy.
But the simplest thing is the hardest to get.
I dare not hope anymore.
Monday, October 18, 2010 @11:00 AM
its like coming back to me again, the feeling.
i dont want it.
i dont deny that i missed you so much this few days.
yet there's nothing i can do.
although i thought im over you.
but i really hate to see you in my dreams or whatever.
cause i dont want to feel what im feeling now.
i told myself not to see your fb, i didnt.
but i have the urge to see, but i stop myself.
i got the urge to message you, but i dont have the courage.
cos you already told me that you dont love me anymore.
i feel so useless cos i cant do anything now.
i believe that you have already fall for someone else.
Felt so empty and useless.
Friday, October 15, 2010 @3:47 AM
hello air once again. haha!
my ears are so painful. Like as if my ear drums going to burst like that.
One more day to my CES exams. Haven't finish studying. Rusty already my brain. So many formulas. Like worse than accounting. Nevermind lah. Try my best can already. Just hope i can pass lor.
This few days so sick lor. Dont have proper sleep at all. Worst is like i had a bad dream last night, so real,so....., but when i woke up, its like BAAAM! Dying soon like that. I dont want to dream of all this. it stopped for like 2 weeks but suddenly it just came back. TA-MA-DE LOR.
Went Thai steamboat with winnie, Law, Exy & her bobby yesterday. Not bad, quite nice.
Head towards cheesecake cafe at siglap. The place so nice! Always pass by there when i always take Bus40 home when im in secondary school but never get to go in and try. I also like the cakes there, quite yummy. i love to eat cakes lor. haha! The place really very niceeeeeeee. So funny when bobby scratches his eyebrow when he headache. everyone LOLS yesterday.
I went cheesecake cafe again today with tingyi,celeste, kally & bf
i went there for the cake and they went there to see that good looking guy. LOLS.
But too bad, he's not there today.
Super tired now.
I hope i dont have you for all the nights anymore.(since you did not come for 2 weeks already)
ZHOU-GONG please help me. haha.
goodnight air!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010 @3:16 AM
What is your True Fear? Your Result: Losing Someone You love affection and the people in your life more than anything. Your greatest fear is that one day someone you care about won't be there anymore. You are a very friendly and inviting person, who draws in a lot of friendships with your kind, considerate, and loyal nature. However, deep down you are slightly insecure and unsure of yourself. You couldn't deal with it if you didn't have one of your loved ones in your life anymore. You don't have too much to worry about though, because with a friend like you, no one will want to lose you either! |
Being Alone | |
Looked down on | |
Where Your life is Going | |
Death | |
Disappointment | |
Commitment | |
What is your True Fear? Quiz Created on GoToQuiz |
@1:23 AM
hello to the air!
like how many years later eh? so many things happened during this 2 years i can say. happy ones and definitely painful ones. But its okay, that's part and parcel of life isn't it? We need to grow stronger every year as we grow old. So Jia you! As time passed by, we will tends to put aside all the unhappy memories and keep the happy memories deep in our hearts. Sometimes i find it quite silly, when you think back about it, i mean the happy times, it makes you smile and tell yourself, that's enough. Love. What's love? i dont think anyone can really tell us what's love. Maybe till when we grow old with a partner, by then we will understand when our hair's white and someone holding your hand still. Aww, so sweet.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008 @5:46 AM
can someone make sushi for me?
i got lotsa pics.
shall post it when i feel like it.
Monday, September 15, 2008 @3:26 PM
this year, i just want one thing.
its easy to get it but it really have to depends on oneself.
its just a word.
Sunday, September 07, 2008 @12:13 AM
rainy days,
one word, sucks.
makes me lazy, and sad.
lols. why?
i also dont know.
i prefer sunshine, very wen-luan. =)
i dont have enough time.
so many things not done yet.
if you were to given one choice to choose to have happy moments or normal moments, which one will you choose?
i would choose normal? ha!
cause happy dont last.
fuck! bad mood.
Thursday, August 21, 2008 @4:24 PM

Sunday, August 17, 2008 @5:03 PM
during mr ganeseh class. bored*

sharon's early birthday by elieen and all. you see her eyes, swollen right? cos she jus cry finish.why? cos juan cover her eyes, she scared of DARKNESS! AHHH.LOLS